Today in History:

500 Series II Volume V- Serial 118 - Prisoners of War


the names and rank of the officers. Lieutenant-Colonel Matson disobeyed his instructions in not bringing back with him equivalents for these officers. Please deliver these equivalents now to the officer bearing this.

In my letter of the 13th instant, a copy of which is inclosed* for your more convenient reference, I stated my willingness to exchange officers on the terms therein mentioned. I wish to know whether those terms are assented to by you and I desire a response to the other questions therein propounded. The peculiar position of this question of exchange of officers renders these questions proper, and I regret extremely having received through my agent so unsatisfactory and I may say exceptionable notice (not reply), of which I inclose a copy. + Until you think proper to inform me what your understanding is in reference to our officers I certainly cannot move one step farther toward sending to City Point any of the large number of Confederate officers now at Fort Delaware awaiting your action.

I again ask the release of Lieutenant Colonel Douglas Hapeman and Major J. H. Widmer, One hundred and fourth Regiment Illinois Volunteers, Hartsville officers declared exchanged and yet held by you. Please send them, and also one captain and one lieutenant due to me as you will see on reference to my letter of the 13th instant and which inclosed duplicate lists of officers sent to you.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Lieutenant-Colonel and Agent for Exchange of Prisoners.

MILITARY PRISON, Alton, Ill., April 20, 1863.

Colonel W. HOFFMAN,

Commissary-General of Prisoners, Washington, D. C.

COLONEL: I find upon inspection that some of the building within the prison walls used as quarters and for hospital purposes require considerable repairs to make them comfortable for those purposes. The roof of the building used as the principal hospital leaks badly and should be repaired as early as practicable-now, while the number of its inmates is comparatively small. I wish to know how these repairs are to be mae, whether by the Quartermaster's Department, the owners of the prison or must they be made from the prison fund?

I have the honor to be, sir, with much respect, your obedient servant,


Major Third Infantry, Commanding of Prison.

Columbus, Ohio, April 21, 1863.

Brigadier General J. D. COX,

Commanding District of Ohio, Cincinnati, Ohio.

GENERAL: I would beg leave to suggest that all paroled prisoners now at Camp Chase who belong to Illinois, Missouri, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Minnesota, Wisconsin and New York regiments or batteries be ordered to the camp of their respective States and that the


* Omitted here; Ludlow to Ould, p. 478.

+ Not found.
