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at your hands, for such phraseology, so open to the imputation of discourtesy and coarseness, finds in such communications as the present only the precedent of your example.
First. Your computation of paroles is incorrect on both sides. As to your item of 1,208 officers and 14,865 men, embraced by the first five sections of my exchange notice, I have no exception to make. Some of our Vicksburg rolls were lost and I have not the means of making an accurate computation as to them. Your second item, however, of 72 officers and 8,014 men, embracing the sixth section of my exchange notice, is incorrect. In the first place, all the officers on both sides who have been delivered at City Point are exchanged. They were specially exchanged. Major Mulford knows that fact. All Confederate soldiers who were delivered at City Point up to May 23, 1863, including said date, were declared exchanged by Lieutenant-Colonel Ludlow, while the Federal troops were only exchanged up to May 6, 1863. The number of Confederate soldiers reduced to privates delivered at City Point from May 23 to July 25 (the date named in my notice) is 5,881, instead of 8,014. The rolls show this very clearly. Of the Federal troops on parole you say there are 76 officers and 19,083 men. If these officers are those delivered at City Point you make an error against yourself. They have been exchanged. From the 6th of May, 1863 (the time of the last exchange of Federal troops) to the 1st of September, 1863 (the time named in your notice), I have delivered at City Point alone, in privates, 18, 610. All of these are on parole. I have other valid paroles in my possession amounting to at least 16,000 more. Allowing, therefore, that you Vicksburg computation is correct, you owe me upon the last notice which you have published more than 7,000, instead of my owing you 10,024, as you claim. Many of the 16,000 paroles to which I have referred have been acknowledged by Lieutenant-Colonel Ludlow in his correspondence. So much as to your computation and your exchange notice based upon it. Second. You say I failed to announce to you "the sixth section of exchange notice, as published in the Richmond Enquirer of the 10th instant, which covers 72 officers and 8,014 enlisted men. " This is not so. On the 1st of August last I informed you in writing that I had declared exchanged all Confederate soldiers who had been delivered at City Point up to July 20, 1863. No deliveries were made at City Point between July 20 and July 25, and therefore one announcement was the same as the other. I did not inform you of the exchange of the City Point men in my letter of the 11th of September because I had already notified you on the 1st of August.
Third. You say I did not furnish you with any list, or even give the number of men, by which you could declare equivalents, nor did I give you any time to prepare your announcement. You were furnished with the lists of all paroled men delivered at City Point, numbering, with the lists of all paroled men delivered at City Point, numbering up to September 1, 18,610 men. As to other paroles held by me, you failed to accept or decline the terms upon which they were to be computed and adjusted and therefore it was useless to send them. You had, or ought to have had, duplicates of many of them in your possession. If there was any particular capture on parole, or any special class of paroled men whom you wished to declare exchanged, you had only to announce that fact and the lists would be furnished if I had them and you had not. With what propriety could I send you lists which I believed to be in accordance with the cartel, but which you intimated you would decline to acknowledge? Moreover, according to my interpretation of the cartel, that instrument very clearly gives the