819 Series II Volume VI- Serial 119 - Prisoners of War
Major-General Taylor, as the excess may be in favor of the one or the other.
Executed in duplicate.
Colonel 160th new York Volunteers, Commissioner, &c.,
On the part of Major-General Banks, U. S. Army.
Major, C. S. Army, Commissioner, &c.,
In behalf of Major G ne. R. Taylor, C. S. Army.
COLUMBUS, OHIO, January 7, 1864.
Colonel W. HOFFMAN,
Commissary- General of Prisoners, Washington, D. C.:
COLONEL: I have the honor to report that I have made a thorough inspection of Camp Chase, near this place, and of the quarters occupied by prisoners of war in the Columbus penitentiary. At Camp Chase I found the sanitary condition of the prisoners' quarters and hospital quite satisfactory, and the only recommendation to be made, a ore free use of lime in whitewashing the interior of the several buildings. The quarters of the guard were not in as satisfactory condition, sufficient care not being taken to keep the quarters clean and the guards policed. This was especially the case with the quarters of the Eighty- eight Ohio Volunteers. In the quarters of this regiment (Eighty- eight Ohio Volunteers) I found that four cases of varioloid had recently occurred, the last case on the morning of my visit. These cases had been reported from the regiment to the post surgeon, Acting Assistant Surgeon McFadden, but this latter officer had taken no steps to report the fact to the commandant of the post, Colonel Wallace, whom found to be entirely ignorant of the existence of the disease at the post. With the exception of removing their patients when attacked to the general hospital, and vaccinating a few of the members of the regiment, no measures had been taken to prevent the spreading of the regiment, no measures had been taken to prevent the spreading of the disease. On calling Doctor McFadden to account for his neglect of duty, he simply stated that he was not aware that it was his duty to notify the commanding officer of the existence of the disease. I immediately issued an order, through the commandant of the post, for the purchase of a sufficient supply of vaccine matter (if not to be obtained from the medical department), and the immediate vaccination of every person in or connected with the camp, or who may become connected with the camp while used for its present purpose. In this connection I would again suggest the impropriety of intrusting the medical management of these posts to comparatively irresponsible contract surgeons, and would resentfully but urgently recommend that the Surgeon- General be requested to assign a commissioned medical officer to each of the prison posts. At the penitentiary I found the prisoners of war satisfactorily provided for and the sanitary management properly attended to.
I shall start to- night for Sandusky, Ohio.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Surgeon and Acting Medical Inspector Prisoners of War.