Today in History:

660 Series II Volume VII- Serial 120 - Prisoners of War


On motion of Brother Bishop, a committee of the whole was appointed to solicit subscriptions for the city and county of Saint Louis, the said subscriptions to be used for the purchase of arms and ammunition for the use of the order. The committee was divided by two for each ward and township, the said committee to report to the third D.

On motion of E. C. K., the night of meeting was appointed for the t 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

A vigilance committee was appointed, consisting of three, composed of E. K. Cole, E. K. Smith, E. K. Noble, A. J.

Paid the treasurer $10.



SAINT LOUIS, March 24, 1864.

The degree met and opened in due form by Rev. G. C. Dunn in the east.

Initiations being in order, the following candidates were duly elected and initiated: William S. Pollard, Tenth Ward; Wesley Roselle, Tenth Ward; Sam. N. Yates, Sturgeon, Mo. ; J. D. Cooke, Saint Charles.

On motion of E. K. Bishop, a committee of the whole were appointed to solicit subscriptions for the city and county of Saint Louis, the said subscriptions to be used to purchase arms, &c., for the use of the order. The committee was divided by two for each ward and township, the said committee to report to third D.

On motion of Knight Sweet, the next meeting be held on the last Wednesday, 4 o'clock, afternoon.

A vigilance committee of three was appointed, composed of E. K. Cole, E. K. Smith, and E. K. Noble, A. J.


Secretary pro tem.


Amount of $67 contributed to the family of P. C. Wright, supreme commander of O. A. K.:

Bishop, 1; Richard, Mont. T., 14; McCloud, 1; Robert Keller, 1; Sweet, 5; Bishop, 1; J. E. Dyer, 1; Whiting, 1; Johnson, 1; Hall, 1; Massey, 1; Jobyn, H., 1; Bevin, 1; Durdee, 5; Noble, 1; Noble, 1; Taylor, 1; McDonald, 1; Booth, 1; J. M. Glover, 5; Roberts, 1; J. A. Barrett, 10; Hunt, 10; total, 67.


H. B. NABORS: March 1 - R. Grey said, I did not make the remark, If Rosecrans would pay him. Meet him at Varieties at 10 o'clock. The next evening meet at Saint Louis theater. Yet in the order.

March 7 -

Question. Where did you meet Mr. Cardon on 4th, Spruce and Almond?

Answer. Met R. Grey, R. Mills, and Simpson. Mr. Grey said he said he hoped he would succeed; that he belonged to a secret order; he would go to Illinois and Missouri; get all leading men in --- of other gentlemen.

Question. Did you ask him to get you in the secret organization?

Answer. I did. Cardon said he belonged to a secret organization. If I go in this I don't want my name mentioned; who in room.

Question. Did he deny the fr. R. Grey?

Answer. He did not den; he made the expression that Simpson would blow it all over the theater. I want to talk to you. Did Grey tell you so and so? He said, Grey must be foolish.