179 Series II Volume VIII- Serial 121 - Prisoners of War
recruiting, assures me of the superiority of this. In consequence of the lack of transportation and the damages to the railroads of all the energy of the officers of the Commissary and Quartermaster's Departments has been subjected to no mean test, but the prisoners have not suffered for wood or rations. An inspector from Your Excellency will receive every facility to visit the prison. In regard to a former communication from Your Excellency in reference to the Senior Reserves, a reply to which has been delayed by the general;'s absence, I most respectfully state every indulgence consistent with the service has been afforded them. Furloughs for seven days, with the addition of the time required to reach their homes,are granted at the rate of six to the one- hundred arms- bearing men present for duty. The duty is onerous on them, but is caused by the frequent and numerous desertions.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, Your Excellency's obedient servant,
Captain and Assistant Adjutant-General.
P. S.- Since writing the above a telegram has been received stating that shoes, blankets, &c.,have been shipped from Richmond, and Federal officers are now here to superintend their distribution.
Assistant Adjutant- General.
Rations issued to Federal prisoners at Salisbury, N. C., from January 20 to February 3, 1865.
Total number of rations due, 118,468- 7,417 pounds of beef, 61,582 pounds of flour, 57,156 pounds of meal, 8,188 pounds of rice, 1,765 pounds of potatoes, 2,981 pounds of peas, 1,028 gallons of molasses, 49 bushels of salt; 5,500 average number of prisoners.
Full rations of breadstuffs were issued and all the meat that could be had after subsisting our own troops on duty here. Potatoes and molasses issued in lieu of meat.
MOUTON, February 3, 1865.
Commanding Military Division of the West:
GENERAL: While we occupied Huntsville we captured some twenty or more Federals, which was the occasion of Colonel Prosser, commanding cavalry brigade,sending in flag of truce,asking an exchange of prisoners, to which I replied in the affirmative if the exchange could be made general. Some time after the raid which burned the pontoon train returned to Decatur, one lieutenant belonging to General Armstrong's brigade, two to mine, and one private were sent out from Decatur with authority to exchange themselves for eight Federals captured from the raid. I sent the eight men called for, but declined making further exchanges without it was a general one for all of my men, promising to return those specified and procure others to make up the equivalent for all mine. Inclosed find copy of communication received by flag of truce to- day in reply.* The prisoners were sent below by railroad from Corinth when General Hood fell back from Tennessee- i think one captain and twenty men. I now have from then
*See Granger to Roddey, January 31, p. 157.