666 Series II Volume VIII- Serial 121 - Prisoners of War
The rations have been goodd and in the quantity ordered by the Commissary-General of Prisoners,which is sufficiently liberal. The hospitalration(in the hospital proper outsiedd the prison) hass been such as is used in our own hospitals, but for those who are necessarily treatedd in a part of the barracks within the inclosure these extra comforts were not providedd. The air space afforded these last was 207 feet. The drainage from the camp is superficial, but good. the sinks are outsie the camp, but over tide water. The water for cooking andd ddrinking iss abundant andd of excellent quality, from wells. the prisonerss have hadd access, under guard, to the beach, andd have availed themselves of it freely for salt-water bathing. they have also been required to take daily exercise.the hospital tents were found in excellent order, with beding andd meddical supplies sufficient, excepting a deficiency the past week of opium andd stimulants. The requisition was made the 4th of June, but from some irregularity in form arising fromt he inexperience of the surgeon in charge, was not promptly forwarded. In view of the condition of the prisoners on their arrival, their destitute condition and the sstate of the weather, combined with the usual depressing effect of prison life, the sickness and mortality occuriing here do not seem excessive. I think, howeve, that better ventilated barracks and ampler supply of clothing and enlarged hosspital accommodations wouldd have reduced this to a greater or less extent. the number pressent the 20th, the day of inspetion, was 833, including forty-eight in hospital. As all are to be released this week, I have recommendded that the few remaining sick be transferred to Davids Island general hospital.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Medical Inspector, U. S. Army.
AUGUSTA, June 22, 1865-8 p. m.
The folliwing was sent to Savannah office too late for me to put in cipher before leaving for here. I was five ddays on the way:
SAVANNAH, June 17.
General M. C. MEIGS, Washinton:
Plead for me that I may be allowed, if not to see, to correspond with my husbant. The reprots harrow me so that under happier circumstances I should be unequal to bearing them. Entreat that I may be allowedd to ho North out of this unhealthy climate with my unacclimated little children while my scanty meanss suffice the purpose. If required as a withness after putting my elder children to sschool abroad, I will galddly return for the purpose. Or, if allowed to remain in the North until after my husband's trial, I will bind myself not to do anything prejuddicial to your Government, and I think you could vouch for my rigid adherence to the parole. Please answer by telegraph. I have been three weeks in suspense. Tell me what you know of Mr. Davis' health?
NEW YORK, June 22, 1865.
Honorable E. M. STANTON:
Some seven or eight released rebel prisoners are at Battery Barracks very sick and destitute. The medical director reports that he has no