Today in History:

738 Series II Volume VIII- Serial 121 - Prisoners of War


I desire in good faith to take the oath of allegiance, to assume and perform all the obligations and duties of a citizen of the United States, and as rapidly as possible quiet agitation, restore order, and give my heart and voice and hand, for whatever they are worth, and so far as a private citizen may, to help a brave, impoverished, and suffering people. In the treatment of Southern men the Government must, I apprehend, look rather to what may be expected from them in the future than to what they have been in the past, and I am willing to be viewed from either stand-point. There will be little difficulty in getting the State governments into healthy working order if common sence is allowed to prevail in the incipient measures. The negroes' present and future I do not regard as questions of much difficulty, and there is a great deal bearing upon them in the recent published letter of a Northern authority who has ever been regarded as ultra upon the subject. I know many negroes whom I would trust with the ballot, and the number will steadily increase, and they must, at no distant day, become voters, under certain qualifications, as they have in the British West Indies, and in some of the Northern States where slavery once existed.

I have written to you frankly, my dear sir, and I would be very glad if I could interchange views with you. With these views I cannot see that I am doing the country quite as much service here as I might be rendering elsewhere. If you can consistently with your views aid me you will have my grateful recollections for your kindness. Be pleased to present me to Mrs. Chandler.

Very respectfully, yours,


[Inclosure Numbers 2.]

DETROIT, July 29, 1865.

Honorable S. R. MALLORY:

DEAR SIR: Yours of the 21st ultimo [2nd instant] is at hand and its contents carefully noted. I am of the opinion that "private" should be erased and I be permitted to inclose it to President Johnson. If the South would honestly and sincerely adopt the sentiments contained in your letter of the 21st [2nd instant], reconstruction would be easy and our troubles ended, but I fear she will not. Our armies are being disbanded, and as that process goes on turbulence and bravado are again raising their hydra heads in many parts of the South. I fear your people have not yet learned ours. Nationality is burned into the brain of Northern men with few exceptions. We should not hesitate one mement in meeting not only the South, but the world, as allies, rather than part with one of the Florida keys by secession and realling our armies to-morrow. As I said on the 2nd of March, 1861, in the Senate, so say i now to you: "This nation is to stand until our childrens' children have grown gray-aye, until their their childrens' children have passed from the stage." Your people supposed, and now suppose, the Noth exhausted. Never was a greater mistake made. She was never so prosperous. We had just learned the art of war and our ability to carry it on. This your people do not and cannot understand; hence I fear that through evil counsels they will bring more and useless suffering upon themselves. God grant my fears may be groundless. Your letter accepts the logic of events, and I desire to lay it before the President. Shall I do it?

Very respectfully, yours,