765 Series II Volume VIII- Serial 121 - Prisoners of War
Alexander, assistant provost- marshal and ocmmandant of the prison, in which office he continued for two years, during which it was moved to another building, where he gave it the appropriate name of Castle Thunder, was an officer whose only virtue was taht of being a severe disciplinairian. He prostituted his authority tot hearrest of allpersons, Union or otherwise, whm he or his underlings could entrap intoany expression of sentiment against those in authority or evasion of military law. This he made theprocess of a system of robbery, confiscation,and blackmail that would at this dayrequire strong evidence o believe could have been practiced with such impunity. As a prison commandant he was harsh,inhuman, turnnical, anddishonest in every possible way he could practive these vices.
Salisbury Prison, N. C., contained within its limits about fifteen acres. Theshelter consisted of one large and some small buildings, with the addition of an insufficient number of tents, whichin cold weather induced those confined to burrow in the earth. Several hundred Union (citizen) prisoners were confined here during the year 1862, wery many of whom died. Colonel Godwin, former provost- marshal of Richmodn, was in command uring the period these prisoenrs were confined. His treamtent of them was unkind and severe. i am acquainted withthe affairs of this prison only during the period he (Colonel Godwin) was in command.
Camp Oglethorpe Prison, Macon, Ga., Colonel Gibbs commandant, was used during the year 1864 for the confinement of officers, of whom it contained between 1,600 and 1,900./ The shelter consisted of a large building used as a hospital, and sheds for the healtheir prisoenrs. There aas no complaint of insufficiency of food ehre, the officers being well supplied with funds and purchasing what they pleased. There was no ill- treatment; the only case was that of an officer who while bathing crossed the dead- lne and was shot at and killed by a sentinel. Colonel Gibbs put the man under arrest, but I never leanred his fate, the prison being removed at the approach of General Stonemena's troops. The prisoners from Andersonville and Macon, on the approach of the U. S . armies, were brought to Savannah, where they suffered much from exposure and the failure to prepare for their reception, many dying in the cars on the route. For a week after their arrival they had no shelter, being surrounded by gaurds in the open fields, very many dying in consequence. They were well supplied with provisions at this place. From Savannah they were moved to Camp Lawton, Millen, Ga., Captain Vowles commandant. The prisoners had an abundant supply of wood, wate, and provisions, but no shelter, in consequence of whichteh fatality was vbery great. The only instnace of improper treatment I heard of here was that when an exchagne of sick prisoners was agreed upon Captain Vowles was said to have placed the names of such persons as paid for the favor on the list of those who were to be immediately forwarded to Savanah for exchange to the exclusion of some of the sick, wh omplained bitterly of it. Upon hearing of it General Widner instituted inquiry, but the evidence of prisoners not bein acceptable, the cahrge was not sustained, although $60 paid by a prisoner was recovered from a clerk in Captain Vowles' office. The suspicion was so great against thsi officer that General Winder declared he should have no such command in the future.
Upon the evacuation of MIllen the prisoners were removed to Florence, S. C., Colonel Iverson commandant. THis prioson was an inclosure of twenty- four acres, eight of them a swamp, through which prisoenrs had