Today in History:

23 Series I Volume XXXIV-II Serial 62 - Red River Campaign Part II


Saint Louis, Mo., January 4, 1864.

Major-General STEELE,

Little Rock, via Fort Smith, Ark.:

The general commanding desires you to order General Carr, or, if you cannot spare him, some other general officer of your command, to Fort Smith at once to take command of the District of the Frontier during absence of General McNeil.

By order:


Assistant Adjutant-General.

(To be forwarded by special courier from Fort Smith in immediately.)

Batesville, Ark., January 4, 1864.

Major T. R. FREEMAN,

Commanding C. S. Forces at Calico Rock, Ark.:

MAJOR: Your communication, dated at Sylamore, Izard County, Ark., December 27, 1863, was handed to me last night by one William Campbell. In reply I would that Campbell does not and never has belonged to the Federal Army, and was not employed by the U. S. Government in any manner whatever. He is not, therefore, a proper person for exchange, being in every sense of the word a bona-fide citizen. The Cannons are not with my command, but I am told went North after they were released by my order. In reference to your men I have only this to state, that all Confederate officers and men who fall into my hands will be held as prisoners of war and will be kindly treated. I have a number of all ranks now who are gratified for the manner in which they are cared for.

There is one point, however, that should be distinctly understood, and that is, that all unauthorized bodies of men found in arms without commission are by the laws of war declared to be outlaws, and the orders of the War Department are that such shall be treated in the most summary manner. Bushwhackers, whether composed of armed citizens, furloughed soldiers, or deserters from either army, are beyond the pale of the law nations, and when found in hostility to law will suffer death. I have inclosed a copy of a proclamation issued from these headquarters, in which I offer peace and protection to all who returned to their allegiance to the Government I represent. If the men now in arms against law and order, who infest this country, for the purpose of murder and pillage, do not day down their arms and surrender, they can take no exceptions to the extreme measures my orders compel me to enforce in their cases.

I would state for your information that all who lay down their arms and surrender to the authority of the U. S. Government will be kindly treated, and a great effusion of blood would be saved thereby, aside from the quiet and prosperity in home comforts and commercial relations it would speedily bring about. The accompanying proclamation has been issued in good faith and will be rigidly observed. My desire is to restore peace and prosperity to his portion of Arkansas; but if I am compelled to resort to the sword to enforce it, rest assured that sufficient energy will be exerted to speedily over