Today in History:

442 Series I Volume XXXIV-II Serial 62 - Red River Campaign Part II


only by force. South of this line is enemies' territory, because it is calmed and held in possession by an organized, hostile, and belligerent power. (Our own prize courts.)

England said of India, and so acted:

That their engagements had been canceled by the rebellion, and all landed estates confiscated to the British Government.

Now, as before stated, the Confederate States being a belligerent power, claiming Missouri as a part of her territory, partisan bands, insurgents, and guerrillas adhering to the cause of the Confederate States are a part of that belligerent power, should be so regarded, and hence are public enemies. If this position be not true, then the law martial cannot apply to them. They are individual criminals, and every one punished without trial by jury is a violation of the Constitution and laws of our country, for they have the right to such a trial. But the violation of constitutional right is much more apparent still when the law marital is applied to loyal Union men.

Fourteen loyal citizens of Linn County, Mo., under the mild regime of General Guiter are now being tried in my own town by military commission for the offense of going to the rescue of a wounded soldier. It turns out that the soldier had no business there; but these citizens did not know anything of that. Many difficulties have occurred in various parts of the State between Union men and the marauders and their friends, because of the many murders and robberies perpetrated upon defenseless Union men. In Linn County last fall Union men in Bucklin were robbed. At Saint Catherine a store was robbed, and at Mooresville, in Livingston County, the store of S. A. Brock was robbed, himself and one other man murdered by the marauders. Any number of such cases could be enumerated. None of these marauders were caught, nor was there any effort, in any effective manner, made to do so.

These outrages will beget retaliation, and in every such case, so far as I know, where one of these marauders has been killed by Union men, most every sympathizer in the land became very much aroused, and never failed to establish the fact that the party killed was certainly one of the most peaceable law-and-order men in the whole community. The term "law and order," in Missouri nears the protection of rebels and their friends and the punishment of Union men. Since the military influence of the State has been given a party turn, the prosecution and punishment of Union men has been the chief occupation of the military in North Missouri. Leading men in this movement were busy during last fall in fomenting discord by denouncing the soldiers and unconditional Union men as cut-throats, negro thieves, and revolutionists, and publicly, oftentimes, declared all the radicals must be put down. This term was applied to all men who supported the immediate abolition of slavery.

Now, there must be something or other existing as the cause of all this, which is necessary to understand, as it should have influence in an administrative point of view. I affirm that the institution of slavery is the cause and support of the rebellion; that it is the binding cord and sympathetic nerve that attaches every man who is in principle pro-slavery per se to the cause of the rebellious Sates. When the conflict of arms commence there were a number of men in this State, men of property and influence, who differed with the rebels as to the policy of Missouri. They argued that because of the geographical position of the State, the divided sentiment of her peo-