Today in History:

915 Series I Volume XXXIV-II Serial 62 - Red River Campaign Part II


you will order back to report to General Bee at Mrs. Ewing's, or in his absence, to Colonel Buchel in his camp. McMahan's battery will be ordered to Cedar Lake, if not already there. As soon as either Hughes' or Jones' battery arrives at Cedar Lake, Gibson's battery will be ordered back to the east side of the Brazos, at Velasco. Thus General Bee will have Moseley's, McMahan's, and Gibson's at once, and Hughes' and Jones' batteries, making, after he shall have sent back Gibson's battery to the east side Brazos, at Velasco, four batteries with which to defend the Caney. He will place as many long-range infantry ont eh east side of Caney and in the works there as may be necessary to defend the works there and the line. It is not supposed that this will require a great many infantry, or cavalry acting as infantry. General Bee will hold the rest of his forces on the road leading from Buchel's camp to the beach,, and far enough from the beach to be out of the range of the enemy's fire from his ships. He will employ his wagons to haul corn and provisions from the Caney, and between the Caney and Bernard, if practicable, keeping cavalry enough for his operations and sending the horses back to forage, if necessary. Should the enemy force the Caney, General Bee will attack him with the troops on the road above mentioned, as he advances on the beach east of the Caney, taking care to break down the bridge over East Bayu, which empties into the Caney. It is supposed the enemy will thus be defeated in his efforts. General Bee will order Colonel Luckett to move with his brigade to the mouth of the Bernard as son as the attack takes place at the Caney, and if all the batteries above designated shall have joined General Bee, he will make use of them to endeavor to repulse the enemy at the Caney. Should he think, after trying, that he will fail to do so, he will detach two of the batteries to return rapidly to Churchill's Ferry to report to Colonel Luckett at the mouth of San Bernard, to assist in the defense of that point. Colonel Luckett will be ordered to hold the San Bernard until General Bee can place his artillery at or near the mounds between the Bernard and Brazos, to which point he will withdraw Luckett's forces and all others, and charge the enemy, if the march up, with his whole force, after using his artillery to the best advantage. Colonel Luckett will, of course, only be ordered to the mound after ascertaining that he cannot possibly hold the works at the San Bernard any longer.

General Bee will, after passing his army and material over Churchill's Ferry, destroy the bridge or boats by which he shall have passed the river. If possible to save the boats, he will have them owe or rowed up the river. They will be destroyed only in the event of there being danger of their falling into the hands of the enemy. General Bee will obstruct the roads on his line of retreat from Caney wherever they pass through timber, by felling trees across the road; for this purpose he will leave a strong force of negro amen to follow his rear, escorted by sufficient force of cavalry. Commodore Leon Smith will order Captain Marmion to follow the enemy on his march up the peninsula from Dog Island Bar up, to annoy his march and participate, as far as in his power, in the defense of the Caney. Should the enemy force the Caney, Commodore Smith will direct the flotilla to proceed to Matagorda, disembark the troops, burn the flotilla, and move the guns to Columbia or Richmond. In the letter case General Bee will give the necessary orders to Captain Rugeley's company, or to any troops at Matagorda,