Today in History:

119 Series I Volume XL-I Serial 80 - Richmond, Petersburg Part I


Question. Did General Ferrero leave that place and accompany his troops to the front when they left?

Answer. He did. General Ledlie, I think, left the bomb-proof for a very short time. That was about the time of the stampede of the darkens. Then, I think, both General Ledlie and General Ferrero returned about that time. I am not positive, however, for I was busy seeing that the wounded were being attended to. General Ledlie asked me for stimulants, and said he had malaria and was struck by a spent ball. He inquired for General Bartlett, as he wanted to turn the command over to him and go to the rear. It was one of General Bartlett's aides, I believe, who replied that he was in the crater.

Question. You say that during the stampede Generals Ferrero and Ledlie returned to the bomb-proof. How long did they remain there?

Answer. General Ferrero remained a very short time. He was exhausted. I think he came in for the purpose of getting some stimulants, too, and I think he went out immediately after I gave him the stimulants. General Ledlie remained some time longer, probably half an hour, I should judge.

Question. You mention stimulants. What were they - hartshorn, materia medica, or what?

Answer. It was rum, I think. I had rum and whisky there, and I think I gave the rum.

Question. How often did you administer stimulants to those two officers during that day?

Answer. I think that once was the only time. I was not in the

bomb-proof all the time while they were there. It was perfectly safe in there, but it might not have been outside. I had to got out to look after the wounded.

Question. Were there any brigade or regimental commanders in the bomb-proof - any commanding officers besides those whom you have named?

Answer. Yes,sir.

Question. Name them

Answer. There were a colonel commanding a brigade of colored troops - Colonel Sigfried, I believe. He came there after the stampede quieted down a little; after the troops stopped going to the rear. Also Lieutenant-Colonel Cutcheon, of the Twentieth Michigan. He came in from the crater about the middle of the day of see General Willcox to learn in anything could be done to relieve the troops in the crater, as they were suffering very much for water, and also from the artillery fire of the enemy.

Question. What was the reply?

Answer. General Willcox was not there, sir.

Question. Hoe long did the colonel stay there?

Answer. Half an hour, at least. He was very much exhausted in running over. He said he had come through a very heavy fire, and it was almost certain death to come from the crater to that place.


Brigadier General J. B. CARR, U. S. Volunteers, being duly sworn, says to questions by JUDGE-ADVOCATE:

Question. Were you at the assault on the 30th of July, and what was your command?

Answer. Yes, sir; I was at the assault. My command was the First Division of Hinks' division of colored troops. I had one brigade of that division.

Question. Had you opportunities of observing the progress of events on that day? Were you in a situation to see things?