47 Series I Volume XL-II Serial 81 - Richmond, Petersburg Part II
FLAG-SHIP AGAWAM, Farrar's Island, June 14, 1864-10 p.m. [Via Fort Monroe 6 p.m. 15th.]
Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D. C.:
No change in the naval situation. I learn unofficially that General Grant was at General Butler's headquarters to-day; that Baldy Smith's corps is here, and that the Army of the Potomac is crossing James River at Wilcox's Wharf.
S. P. LEE,
Actg. Rear-Admiral, Commanding North Atlantic Blockading Squadron.
WASHINGTON, June 15, 1864-7 a.m. [Received 15th.]
Lieutenant-General GRANT:
Have just read your dispatch of 1 [1.30] p.m. yesterday.* I begin to see it. You will succeed. God bless you all.
WASHINGTON, D. C., June 15, 1864.
Lieutenant-General GRANT,
Bermuda Hundred, Va.:
GENERAL: I inclose herewith a list of regiments and detachments forwarded to the Army of the Potomac from May 1 to date, making in all 55,178. This is exclusive of those sent to General Butler. I do not know the amount of its losses but I presume that these re-enforcements will make that army as strong as at the beginning of the campaign. You will have learned from telegrams forwarded and official and semi-official statements by the press that General Sherman is progressing favorably; that General Burbridge has defeated and scattered Morgan's robber band in Kentucky, but that the expedition sent out by General Washburn, about 9,000 strong, under General Sturgis, against Forrest was defeated at Guntown, Miss., with great loss. We have as yet no details and only vague reports of the disaster. The rebels having blockaded the Mississippi River at Greenville, Miss. General Canby sent General A. J. Smith to attack and disperse these blockading forces. I have not heard of the result. It is understood that as soon as he accomplishes this object he is to go to Memphis, organize a proper force, and move against Forrest. It was fortunate that we wrung some forces out of General Rosecrans to send to Memphis, otherwise that place would have been seriously endangered by Sturgis' defeat. I think it probable that Forrest will now move into Middle Tennessee to cut Sherman's communication and capture some of his depots. I shall therefore order a portion of General Burbridge's forces to Nashville and Huntsville, if it prove true that Morgan is virtually disposed of and the rumor of a second invasion of Kentucky proves, as I think it will, unfounded. We are getting the new troops out of Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin as fast as possible. I don't think they will prove efficient or be of much use before the expiration of their term of service. I have uniformly opposed these short enlistments as money utterly thrown away. I have no news directly from General Hunter as late as that received from your headquarters and rebel newspapers. Where he is and what he intends to do at the present time is
*See Grant to Halleck, p.18.