123 Series I Volume XL-III Serial 82 - Richmond, Petersburg Part III
quarters of which is at Fortress Monroe. When the Nineteenth Corps arrives, I will add it to the same department. I will take the liberty of suspending this order until I hear again. I will ask to have General Franklin assigned to the active command in the field, under General Butler's orders, as soon as he is fit for duty.
WASHINGTON, D. C., July 10, 1864-9.30 p.m.
Lieutenant-General GRANT,
City Point:
Your telegram of 6 p.m. yesterday is received. Whether you had better come here or remain there is a question upon which I cannot advise. What you say about getting into Early's rear is perfectly correct, but unfortunately we have no forces here for the field. All such forces were sent to you long ago. What we have here are raw militia, invalids, convalescents from the hospitals, a few dismounted batteries, and the dismounted and disorganized cavalry sent up from James River. With these we expect to defend our immense depots of stores and the line of entrenchments around the city; but what can we do with such forces in the field against a column of 20,000 veterans? One-half of the men cannot march at all. The only men fit for the field was Ricketts' division, which has been defeated and badly cut up under Wallace. If the remains can hold Baltimore until we can re-enforce it I shall be satisfied. I sent invalid troops from here this morning to assist them. I can draw nothing from Harper's Ferry until Hunter effects his junction. When Hunter's army gets within reach and the Sixth Corps arrives what you propose can probably be done. Sullivan's division has reached Hedgesville, and Crook's is passing Cumberland. How strong these are, and where the remainder of Hunter's army is, I cannot ascertain. Rumor says that it has lost almost everything and is badly cut up. Only one battalion of heavy artillery has reached here, the other two went with Ricketts, and what is left of them is probably retreating on Baltimore. We are impressing horses to remount the cavalry. It arrives destitute of everything; there is necessary delay in preparing it for service.
Major-General and Chief of Staff.
CITY POINT, July 10, 1864.
(Received 2.05 p.m.)
Major-General MEADE:
A telegram of the 9th from Baltimore, 11.30 a.m., states that the operator at Monocacy reports severe fighting near that point, the advance of the enemy being within three-quarters of a mile of Monocacy on the road from Frederick to Georgetown. Another telegram at 1 p.m., from a point thirty miles east of Monocacy, states that the reports from Monocacy by the last train that left that place were that a battle was then in progress. Later advices report that our troops under General Wallace were driven back. The rebel troops are estimated at from 15,000 to 20,000 strong, under Breckinridge, Brad. Johnson, and McCausland. Telegrams of to-day report our forces still