Today in History:

269 Series I Volume XL-III Serial 82 - Richmond, Petersburg Part III


CITY POINT, VA., July 15, 1864.

Major-General BUTLER,

Commanding, &c.:

If you have a regiment of 100-days' men out of the line that can possibly be spared I wish you would send it to City Point to aid in guard duty over public stores. There is but one small regiment here for that duty, and it is not sufficient with the extent of wharf and quantity of stores.



JULY 15, 1864-6.15 p.m.

Lieutenant-General GRANT:

A regiment will be sent as desired to-morrow. It is now certain that Lee is in Petersburg. Pickett is still in my front. Will send to-day's Richmond papers.



In the Field, July 15, 1864.

Captain E. V. SUMNER,

Special Inspector of Cavalry:

CAPTAIN: I have examined with care the papers you have submitted to me, to wit, Special Orders, No. 227, War Department, current series, amending Special Orders, No. 225, by which it seems you are appointed special inspector of cavalry. The chief inspector of cavalry in this department detailed on my staff for that duty is Major Ludlow. I have also examined General Orders, No. 237 [War Department, 1863], instructions intended to promote the efficiency of the cavalry service. If you will do me the favor I will examine any other papers which you may choose to submit to me. So far as I can ascertain from this order and from these papers, your duties here in this department will be those of a special and assistant inspector of cavalry. You will, therefore, make you inspections according to the instructions given you, contained in these written instructions and any further instructions you may receive through my inspector-general. I understood in conversation that you supposed it was your duty to forward your reports directly to Washington. I entertain different views of your duties, but as it is a matter of form only, I am not inclined to interfere with your forwarding special reports, provided duplicates are also sent to my inspector-general's office. I feel bound to say to you that if the Cavalry Bureau at Washington had chosen to examine my inspector-general's reports up the last month they would have found every item of intelligence there which, so far as I can learn, you are required to give, saving always your own opinions upon the efficiency and propriety of action of my cavalry officers, and I know that the opinion which you will give of your own, being those of a young cavalry officer of a cavalry three years' standing, will be modestly and properly expressed. Any further instructions I can give you or any other aid that I can furnish, which, in your judgment, will promote the efficiency of the cavalry of this department, will be as promptly furnished as is this note, as you will do me the favor to remember that I have but this