Today in History:

382 Series I Volume XL-III Serial 82 - Richmond, Petersburg Part III

Page 382 OPERATIONS IN SE. VA. AND N. C. Chapter LII.

JULY 21, 1864. (Sent 9 p. m.)

Brigadier General R. S. FOSTER,

Jones' Neck:

Your dispatch received. Good. I am trying now to prevail on general headquarters to give me another bridge to throw from the neck to the lower side of Four-Mile Creek. Please tell this to Captain Lubey, whose dispatch I have just received. This would enable us to re-enforce that side from the Nineteenth Corps, now here.



JULY 21, 1864-10.30 p. m.

General FOSTER,

Jones' Neck:

Why cannot the gun-boats now shell that position from which Colonel Hill retired and keep them as much as possible from working there and still further pressing Hill? It seems to me they ought to do something to prevent the enemy from intrenching at a place which will do the navy more harm than us. Can't you throw, with your rifled pieces, into that place a shot or two at intervals to annoy their working parties, which will surely be there now, and the supports which will be kept near them?



DEEP BOTTOM, VA., July 21, 1864-10.50 p. m.

General WEITZEL,

Acting Chief of Staff:

Your dispatch is received, and I have sent it to the commander of the gun-boats. It is quite foggy here, and I don't think our guns could fire with any accuracy to-night. I have vedettes well out to observe the movements of the enemy and report what they appear to be doing. None have reported yet. Colonel Hill is in a safe place and I think in no danger of attack. There have been no reported indications of working parties, and I think my vedettes could hear them if they were there.




JULY 21, 1864. (Sent 11.20 p. m.)

General FOSTER,

Jones' Neck:

Your dispatch received. General Grant has just telegraphed to let him immediately know what of note transpires to-night in your front; so keep us well posted.



Page 382 OPERATIONS IN SE. VA. AND N. C. Chapter LII.