402 Series I Volume XL-III Serial 82 - Richmond, Petersburg Part III
Page 402 | OPERATIONS IN SE. VA. AND N. C. Chapter LII. |
In the Field, July 22, 1864.Captain LYON:
(Care of Lieutenant Coe, Bermuda Hundred.)
You need not take Captain Cruso and his company up there. Captain Lubey wishes to build the bridge alone and to keep charge of it alone.
Broadway Landing, Va., July 22, 1864.Captain GEORGE T. BALCH,
Assistant to Chief of Ordnance:
CAPTAIN: I am becoming seriously uneasy as to the supplies of ammunition for my siege train. Since its arrival (bringing only a small part of the original requisition-see my telegram of June 30), the following are the only important receipts: Thirty-pounder Parrott-rounds, from Washington Arsenal, June 29, 2,635; from same, July 2, 2,620; total, 5,255. Four and one-half inch guns-rounds, from Washington Arsenal, July 2, 7.236. Eight-inch mortar-shells (no powder nor fuses), from Fort Monroe, 7,900; also from Washington Arsenal, 15,000 friction primers. The following have been invoiced but not yet received: Thirty-pounder Parrott-rounds, from New York Arsenal, July 2, 1,430; from same, July 13, 1,580; total, 3,010. The following are the guns now in position and their expenditure up to 20th instant: Thirty-pounder Parrotts-10 guns, 3,547 rounds: 8-inch mortars-14 mortars, 4,262 rounds; Coehorn mortars-10 mortars, 2,498 rounds. These expenditures from the small supply on hand have been kept at the minimum so much as to cause considerable complaint from officers high in rank. We have now about ready for the guns (which may be called for at any moment) positions for forty guns-twenty 8-inch mortars; ten 10-inch mortars and twenty-six Coehorn mortars which, when put in position, will be expected to open heavily and to keep it up. If they should do so for about four days all my ammunition would be expended and the train become useless, unless my receipts should be quite different from heretofore. It is therefore of the first importance that I be informed upon what I can count in way of supplies-that is, how rapidly my guns can be regularly supplies. The following are my most important requisitions, which have not been nearly filled, as my statement above will show: June 30, 30-pounder Parrott, 13,000 rounds; 4 1/2-inch guns, 10,000 rounds: 8-inch mortar, 10,000 rounds; July 8, twenty 8-inch mortars with 20,000 rounds; July 10, 50,000 friction-primers, 20,000 assorted fuses; July 15, 20,000 rounds Coehorn mortars, 3,000 wooden fuses for 8-inch mortars. Also to hurry forward the balance not yet received of my original requisition for the train (expect the 100-pounder Parrott) which involves about the following: 8,000 rounds 30-pounder Parrott, 4,000 rounds 4 1/2-inch gun, 2,000 rounds 8-inch mortar, 3,200 rounds 10-inch mortar with over 50,000 friction-primers. If it is impossible to supply these heavy demands I would like to know it, as we will in that case put less heavy guns in battery. What I am now most in need of is Coehorn-mortar ammunition, I mean for daily expenditure. I have only about 400 rounds in depot, and am in urgent need of a supply at once. Please also forward to Captain Hatfield twenty-five sponges for 30-
Page 402 | OPERATIONS IN SE. VA. AND N. C. Chapter LII. |