Today in History:

728 Series I Volume XL-III Serial 82 - Richmond, Petersburg Part III

Page 728 OPERATIONS IN SE. VA. AND N. C. Chapter LII.

Abstract from return of the Army of the Potomac, Major General George G. Meade, U. S. Army, commanding, for the month of July, 1864.

Pres. for duty.

Office Men. Aggreg Aggrega Piec

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General headquarters 55 --- 55 58 -

Provost Guard (Patrick) 58 895 1,343 1,872 -

Engineer Brigade 43 1,710 2,180 2,586 -


Battalion U. S. 7 282 351 424 -

Engineers (Mendell)

Artillery (Hunt) 66 1,607 1,838 2,950 (*)

Guards and orderlies 3 80 85 96 -


Signal Corps (Fisher) 13 186 210 251 -

Second Army Corps 876 13,981 20,950 46,377 58


Fifth Army Corps 862 15,882 22,320 38,791 54


Ninth Army Corps 499 10,741 16,872 34,689 52


Second Cavalry 182 4,033 6,766 11,325 -

Division# (Gregg)

Total. 2,664 49,397 72,970 139,419 164

Abstract from returns of the First and Third Cavalry Divisions and the Horse Artillery Brigade for the month of July, 1864.

Pres. for duty.

Offi Men. Aggreg Aggregat Pieces

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Command. . presen present field

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absent. ery.

First Division 213 4,074 5,639 10,159 -


Third Division 151 2,458 4,035 8,967 -


Horse Artillery 25 544 654 905 27

Brigade (Robertson)

Total. 389 7,076 10,328 20,031 27

Organization of the Army of the Potomac, commanded by Major General George G. Meade, U. S. Army, July 31, 1864.



Brigadier General MARSENA R. PATRICK.

80th New York (20th Militia), Colonel Theodore B. Gates.

68th Pennsylvania, Colonel Andrew H. Tippin.

114th Pennsylvania, Colonel Charles H. T. Collis.

1st Indiana Cavalry, Company K, Captain Theodore Majtheny.

1st Massachusetts Cavalry, Companies C and D, Captain Charles F. Adams, jr.

3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry, Companies A, B, and M, Major James W. Walsh.


*Guns not given on return.

#Note on return says: "The First and Third Divisions, Cavalry Corps, served with this army during the month of July, but it being understood that the records of those commands have been captured or lost, rendering it impracticable to obtain the returns for some time to come, and as they left this army early in August, it has been thought advisable to drop them from this return in order that this return might not be longer delayed." For abstract of the cavalry divisions omitted from the return of the Army of the Potomac, see following table:


Page 728 OPERATIONS IN SE. VA. AND N. C. Chapter LII.