795 Series I Volume XL-III Serial 82 - Richmond, Petersburg Part III
Petersburg. He enjoys great facilities for moving his troops and concealing it. Our force, to be successful, must be thrown against the real point of attack. Every effort should be made not to be deceived. Very truly, yours,
R. E. LEE.
HEADQUARTERS ENGINEERS TROOPS, Blandford, July 23, 1864.Colonel W. H. STEVENS,
Chief Engineer, Army of Northern Virginia:COLONEL: At Colquitt's salient the night detachment [extended the gallery] a distance of 3 feet 2 inches, a total distance of 13 feet 6 inches. At 8 feet 6 inches from the entrance to this gallery turned off another gallery at right angles to it and toward the enemy's line for a mine. The day detachment extended this gallery a distance of 5 feet, a total distance for the day's work of 8 feet 2 inches. At Pegram's salient, mine No. 1, the night detachment squared up and completed the timbering of the gallery to its end. The day detachment turned off a gallery at right angles to it and in the direction of mine No. 2; drove it 2 feet 5 inches. At mine No. 2 extended by the night detachment 3 feet, by the day detachment 3 feet, a total distance of 6 feet for the day's work, and a distance from the entrance of 60 feet. At Gracie's mine the day and night detachments extended the gallery 6 feet, a total distance from its entrance from the shaft of 8 feet, the total distance made at all the mines being 23 feet.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Engineer Troops, in Charge of Mining, &c.
HEADQUARTERS ENGINEER TROOPS, Blandford, July 23, 1864.Colonel W. H. STEVENS,
Chief Engineer, Army of Northern Virginia:COLONEL: I have extended the work at Colquitt's and Pegram's salients so that I can increase the number of mining detachments and work sixty additional men. By the 1st of August I can employ an additional forty men. I am preparing a statement showing the number of men in each detachment and the number at work in each mine, and the number of detachments now required to start the additional galleries.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Captain, Engineer Troops, in Charge Mining, &c.
JULY 23, 1864-5.30 a.m.
Lieutenant-General ANDERSON:
GENERAL: General Lee directs that Major-General Kershaw, with his division, proceed at once to Chaffin's Bluff, on the north side of James River. He will cross at the bridge at Chaffin's. Let him send