86 Series I Volume XLII-II Serial 88 - Richmond-Fort Fisher Part II
Page 86 | OPERATIONS IN SE. VA. AND N. C. Chapter LIV. |
deserted and came into our lines at 3 o'clock this a. m. The substance of their information is as follows: That there are four divisions of the enemy on the south side of the Appomatox River-Anderson's old division and Heth's division, of Hill's corps, and Hoke's and Bushrod Johnson's division, of Beauregard's command; that they are posted from the enemy's right to left as follows: right-Mahone's division, a brigade of which (Finegan's) extends to the left of the Jerusalem plank road; the right of the division extending to the lead-works on the Weldon railroad; next, Heth's division, extending from the left of Mahone's division (a point to the left of and nor far from the Jerusalem plank road) to Clingman's brigade, of Hoke's division, of Beauregard's command; next, Hoke's division, of Beauregard's command, with Clingman's brigade on the right; left-Bushrod Johnson's division, of Beauregard's command; that since the recent fight (July 30) the above disposition of forces was made; that the corps of Longstreet, or two divisions, Field's and Kershaw's, have not returned to our front, and it was understood that all or the greater part of them had been sent to re-enforce Early or Hood; that it was understood in the rebel lines that mining was being done in the vicinity of the position occupied by our colored troops, information of which informant has given to General Warren. The lieutenant saw late Richmond papers giving accounts of our attack on Mobile. They admit the sinking of two of their gunboats; also accounts of the occupation and destruction of Milledgevile, Ga., by a raiding party from Sherman's army.
All of which is respectfully forwarded.
Your obedient servant,
P. S.-Information from a reliable source shows that a considerable force of infantry has been sent to Early and passed through Staunton, Va. (Friday, July 29), via Lynchburg; also that no trains are running on the Virginia Central Railroad from Richmond Beyond Beaver Dam Station.
In the Field, August 8, 1864-10.40 p. m.Colonel SHARPE,
Deputy Provost-Marshal-General, City Point:
I have just examined three deserters and one prisoner. I have found out to my entire satisfaction now where Lane and Conner are. hey are near New Market with Field's division. The line is as follows: Lane on their extreme right, then Conner, then Bratton, them Benning, Gregg, Law, and Anderson on their extreme left. This is positive. I have also received and additional copy of to-day's Richmond Enquirer and Whig. Will send you a copy in the morning. The news is as I gave it to you, save that Buchanan, besides being a prisoner, has lost a leg.
Lieutenant, Aide-de-Camp, Assistant Provost-Marshal.
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