1256 Series I Volume XLII-II Serial 88 - Richmond-Fort Fisher Part II
Page 1256 | OPERATIONS IN SE. VA. AND N. C. Chapter LIV. |
who has just visited this place, are pleased to have confidence in me so far, and doubtless with such support I may be careless of outside remarks, but I have endeavored to write this letter to you in the interest of the cause, not my own. I hope you will take it in that spirit. One word more: when the hour of trial comes no doubt you and many other men of North Carolina will hasten to the defense of Wilmington; and you will be needed. Accept, then, my invitation to examine for yourself what has been done in the way of preparation. All the art of the engineer is useless, unless his works are held by strong and willing hearts. If, so far, nothing that could be done has been left undone, and that weaken him beforehand. And this I ask, not for myself alone, but for the country and for whoever may be here in my place, if I am not here, or if I am subordinate.
Very respectfully,
September 17, 1864.Honorable SECRETARY OF WAR,
SIR: There is immediate necessity for the services of 5,000 negroes for thirty days to labor on the fortifications at this place, those on James River, around Richmond, at Danville, and at several points on the South Side and Danville railroads. The amount of labor to be done, and the importance of having it done promptly, make it impossible to exact it of the troops without impairing their efficiency and requiring their absence from exposed positions. Much of the work is to be performed at places where there are few or no troops at present, but where it is deemed proper to prepare for possible future operations. I think the necessity sufficiently urgent to justify calling for this labor at once. From your indorsement upon the applications of General Stevens for negroes, I understand that you think that the act of Congress of February 17, 1864, does not empower you to order the impressment of slaves engaged in raising grain or provisions, but that the general commanding the department where their services are needed has the power to do so. I am willing to exercise such powers as I possess in the premises, but have no instruments to put them in execution. I cannot consistently with the exigencies of the service detail officers and soldiers from the army for this duty, nor, if I could, would that agency be suitable in my judgment. The impressments would not be made equally and justly, as the officers would necessarily be ignorant of the comparative resources and wants of the districts in which they would have to operate. If the agents of the Conscript Bureau can be employed for the purpose I am prepared to give them such authority to act as I lawfully may. The could consult with the local authorities and arrange for the prompt execution of the impressment in such manner as to be least injurious to the agricultural interests. I inclose* a tabular statement of the quotas of the counties from which it is proposed to draw the negroes, showing the credits to which each is entitled. The number called for is large, but allowance must be
*See schedule annexed to paragraph XLII, Special Orders, Numbers 224, September 21, p. 1268.
Page 1256 | OPERATIONS IN SE. VA. AND N. C. Chapter LIV. |