Today in History:

343 Series I Volume XLII-III Serial 89 - Richmond-Fort Fisher Part III


[Inclosure No. 1.]

Estimate of force October 25 for defense of the advance lines of City Point, independent of such as may be furnished in emergencies from the department of the provost-marshal-general.

Regiments, battalion,&c. Remarks.

for duty



205th Pennsylvania 776 New recruits, and in

Regiment (from General the trenches or on

Butler's army). picket for nearly all

the time since joined.

61st Massachusetts 401 New recruits, and in

Battalion (five the trenches ever since

companies). they joined.

18th New Hampshire 333 New recruits,and in the

Battalion (five trenches ever since

companies.) they joined; two

companies entirely

without arms (expecting

from their State), to

be armed to-day.

8th Delaware Battalion 247 New recruits, and in

(three companies). the trenches issued in

their State; to be-armed to-day.

Independent company of New 55 New recruits, and in

York volunteers. the trenches ever since

they joined; no arms;

to be armed to-day.

Total infantry 1,812

Engineer Brigade.

50th Engineer (detachment 57 For repairs of boats

of repair company). and care of bridges,

&c.; armed.

15th Engineers (two 209 Required for guarding

companies and one partial public property here;

company). armed.

15th Engineers (one 127 Recruits, with but one

company) officer; but little

squad drill; no arms;

to be armed to-day.

50th Regiment (six 850 All of these in the

companies of unassigned trenches for the past

recruits). three weeks, a part

having had squad drill

previously. No officers

at all duly

commissioned; persons

claiming to have been

mustered as such.

Surplus recruits, over 64 All in the trenches

full members, for both without drill since

regiments. their arrival; no

officers at all.

Total engineers 1,307

Total engineers and 3,119


Engineers and infantry without arms, to be armed to-day, 1,546.

Artillery.-The Second Maine Battery, six field pieces; now at Old Court-House. Third Vermont Battery, four field pieces; reported as arrived within the lines during the night.

In addition, Colonel H. L. Abbot reports orders to send from Broadway Landing ten siege pieces; to be arranged for to-day. The Third Maine Battery, four guns, reported at 10 a.m. on October 25, 1864.

Total number of guns, twenty-four.


Brigadier-General, Commanding Defenses.

[Inclosure No. 2.]

Distribution of men and guns for defense of lines City Point.

Redoubt. Command. Cannon,with artillerists.

No. 1 Lieutenant Dibbel's Two pieces of 3rd Maine

provisional company Battery.

of engineers.

No. 2 Captain Rogers' Two guns 3rd Maine and

provisional company two siege guns.

of engineers and 50

of Lieutenant

Ryding's provisional


No. 3. Lieutenant Ryding's Two guns 3rd Vermont

provisional company, Battery.

100 men.

No. 4. Captain Pond's Two guns 3rd Vermont

provisional company Battery.

and independent

company New York


No. 5. Lieutenant Burke's Three siege guns.

provisional company.

No. 6. Lieutenant Linsley Two guns 2nd Maine

and 100 men of 15th Battery.


On line Two guns 2nd Maine

37-38 Battery.

No. 7 Lieutenant Henderson, Two siege guns.

50 men of Company F

and 64 surplus men.

Old Court-House 8th Delaware Two guns 2nd Maine and

redoubt. Battalion three siege guns.

205th Pennsylvania Regiment, movable, south of railroad.

61st Massachusetts and 18th New Hampshire Battalion, movable, north of railroad.


Brigadier-General, Commanding Defenses, &c.

CITY POINT, VA., October 25, 1864.