66 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah
Page 66 | Chapter LVI. OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA. AND FLA. |
McDonough road. This column consisted of the Seventeenth Corps, bridge train, engineer regiment, and supply train of General Kilpatrick's cavalry, the whole preceded by the First Alabama Regiment. The right column, of Fifteenth Corps, Major-General Osterhaus commanding, department headquarters train and the herds of cattle. This column moved via Rought and Ready, turning to the left toward McDonough, about five miles from Jonesborough. Upon the evening of the 15th the command went into camp-Kilpatrick near Jonesborough, the heads of the two infantry columns near Stockbridge. Kilpatrick met the enemy's cavalry skirmishers near East Point, and drove them before him to the crossing of Flint River. Osterhaus met them not far from Rough and Ready, and again in the vicinity of Stockbridge. He found encamped at that point Lewis' brigade of rebel cavalry, reported 900 strong.
November 16, 1864, the command marched to the vicinity of McDonough by three routes. General Osterhaus met the enemy's cavalry at the crossing of Cotton River. They retreated rapidly, setting fire to the bridge. Some mounted infantry that he had in advance drove them from the bridge in time to put out the fire and save everything but the planking. The bridge was immediately repaired, and detained the column just forty minutes. General Kilpatrick crossed the Flint River at the bridge near Jonesborough at 7 a. m. Finding the enemy had left that place, he followed him to Lovejoy's, where he occupied the strong position there, having two brigades of cavalry and two pieces of artillery, and holding the old rebel works. The general charged the works with dismounted cavalry and carried them, driving back the enemy. Subsequently the enemy's artillery was overtaken by another charging column, and captured. He drove the enemy beyond Bear [Creek] Station, capturing over fifty prisoners. He then moved to the left and encamped on the Griffin and McDonough road.
November 17, 1864, moved to Jackson and its vicinity in three columns, encamping, the right near Indian Springs and the left at Hendricks' Mill. General Kilpatrick moved to Towaliga Creek. Some cavalry of the enemy crossed the creek, burning the bridges.
November 18, 1864, the nearest division was pushed to Nutting's (or Planters') Factory early next morning, and a part of it crossed over by the ferry. The bridge arrived at about 10 a. m., was laid, and the troops commenced crossing at 1 p. m. During that day and night, General Blair's corps, Thireenth Army Corps, and all the cavalry, had crossed. The hill on the east side was steep, and the heavy rain during the night rendered the ascent extremely difficult.
On the morning of the 19th instant regiments were detailed in each division to assist the trains in getting up the hill. The Fifteenth Corps, following the cavalry, took country roads to Hillsborough. The Seventeenth Corps moved to the vicinity of Hillsborough via Monticello. The road now becoming very heavy, the progress was slow. We had two bridges at the point of crossing, and they were kept full all day, yet the crossing was not completed by the rear guard until the morning of the 20th instant.
November 20, 1864, the command moved on Gordon in two columns-General Kilpatrick with his cavalry taking the Clinton road and the river road toward Macon; General Osterhaus, with the bridge train, cavalry train, &c., moved toward Clinton; General Blair with his command via Blountsville. The head of the right column encamped at Clinton, and the left near Fortville. General Kilpatrick waited at Clinton until the arrival of the head of the infantry column, at 12 m., when he moved out toward Macon on the left Macon road. He met the enemy's cavalry about four miles from Macon, drove them in, and changed their works, defended by infantry and artillery. The head of his column got inside the works, but could not hold them. He succeeded in reaching the railroad and destroyed about one mile of the track. The road was struck in two or three places by the cavalry, besides the above, and a train of cars burned. It rained hard during the entire night.
November 21, 1864, the cavalry took up an advanced position covering all the roads debouching from Macon. General Blair continued his march direct on Gordon, reaching that place with his leading division. The right column was subdivided, two divisions, with small trains, taking the road toward Irwinton, and the rest, with headquarters, bridge trains, cattle, &c., moving on the direct Gordon road. The center and left columns met at a point six miles from Gordon, called Pitts' Mill, where the center made a parallel road into Gordon. Only the division of General G. A. Smith, however, reached Gordon on the 21st instant.
November 22, 1864, the troops and trains were closed up toward Gordon, excepting General Woods' division, who was directed to take up a strong position on the Irwinton road, and make a demonstration toward Macon. The demonstration was made by General Walcutt's brigade, in conjunction with the cavalry, on the different roads. The rebel cavalry in force made a charge early in the morning, capturing one of our cavalry picket posts-estimated 45 men killed, wounded, and missing. Quite a little action grew out of it, in which there was charging and counter-charging of cavalry, when finally the enemy were driven from the field in confusion,
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