69 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah
The above order was literally conformed to, excepting that a portion of General Corse's division bore to the right and entered Wrightsville, the capital of Johnson Country. Some considerable difficulty arose from the numerous roads through the pine woods, and from the fact that neither citizens nor negroes knew of such a place as Johnson's Cross-Roads. At night of the 28th the command encamped-the center column near Riddleville, the left abreast on the Sandersville and Savannah roads, and the right (consisting of one brigade and a battery of artillery) at Wrightsville.
The next day (29th) the two lower columns nearly formed a junction, the advance, under General Woods, encamping near Summerville, and the rest along the lower Savannah road and near Sunderland's Mills, some seven miles to the rear of General Woods; the Seventeenth Corps on the upper Savannah road, abreast of Station Numbers 10 of the Georgia Central Railroad. The character of the country, open pine woods, wire grass, quite a number of swamps along the Ohoopee River and its tributaries, very few clearings or plantations. Quite a number of mules and horses were captured in the swamps, the citizens having run them off, in the hope of escaping our army and Wheeler's cavalry.
November 30, Generals Woods and Corse's divisions pushed on through Summerville northward, until they reached the upper Savannah road, and encamped near Deep Creek. General Blair moved forward to Station Numbers 9 1/2, effecting a crossing of the Ogeechee. At that point he rebuilt the wagon bridge, partially destroyed, and also laid a pontoon bridge across the river.
December 1, the three columns moved as follows: The lower on the Statesborough road, the middle upon the Savannah road, and the left along the Georgia Central Railroad, destroying it en route. The two right columns encamped opposite Station Numbers 8, General Woods securing and repairing the wagon bridge across the Ogeechee at that point. A small force crossed over and made a break in the railroad and destroyed the depot. The Seventeenth Corps succeeded in reaching Station Numbers 9. December 2, the columns preserved the same order of march. General Blair reached Millen, having completely destroyed the railroad up to that point, including the large depot, and considerable lumber, railroad ties, &c. The middle column encamped near Clifton's Ferry, having thrown a bridge ovthat point, and sent a brigade of General Corse's division to assist the Seventeenth Corps in breaking up the railroad. In addition to the above, Scull's Creek, a wide stream too deep to be forded, was carefully bridged in two places. Our scouting parties hurried on to Scarborough, a little below, and seized a mail, which gave us Savannah papers of that day. December 3, the Fifteenth Corps remained in position, excepting that two brigades of General Corse's division crossed the river and aided the Seventeenth Corps in destroying the railroad from Millen to Scarborough. The Seventeenth Corps came up abreast, encamping near Station Numbers 7. December 4, the central column marched to Wilson's Creek; the left reached Station Numbers 5 1/2, having continued the destruction of the railroad up to that point; the right proceeded as far as Statesborough, Hazen's division leading encountered a small body of the enemy's cavalry, said to be 400 strong, and had a successful skirmish with them. The road being boggy, he was obliged to corduroy several long stretches during the day. December 5, the two columns of the Fifteenth Corps moved along their respective roads, to a position nearly opposite Station Numbers 3. I was with the central column, and hearing that some resistance was offered to General