108 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah
Page 108 | OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI. |
No. 19. Report of Lieutenant Colonel Isaac N. Alexander, Forty-sixth Ohio Infantry, of operations November 22. HDQRS. FORTY-SIXTH OHIO VETERAN VOL. INFANTRY, Near Gordon, Ga., November 25, 1864.CAPTAIN: I have the honor to report the following as the operations of this regiment in the engagement near Griswoldville on the 22nd instant:
The regiment marched from its encampment, being in column next in front of the rear regiment. Proceeded without any occurrence worthy of note until the brigade arrived at a point near where the general engagement occurred, when I was ordered to move the regiment down a road leading to the left. Having advanced a short distance skirmishers were thrown to the front, which had not proceeded more than forty paces in advance of the regiment in column, when they encountered a strong line of rebel cavalry. The skirmishers engaged them, when the cavalry charged them fiercely. In the meantime the regiment was put in line, and to the end that our skirmishers might rejoin the regiment in safety they were allowed to come within thirty yards before orders were given to fire; they were easily repulsed. They left upon the field a number of horses which had been killed and disabled and one prisoner. We then received orders from the general commanding brigade to retire to a position to the rear and one the extreme left of a new line, with the left wing deployed, extending to a swamp, in charge of Major Upton. Shortly after the engagement had commenced, the enemy not appearing in our front, I was ordered to move the regiment to the extreme right, where the enemy was then pressing very closely, and to extend well to the right, which I did under heavy fire, deploying out so as to cover a space equal to about three times my own proper front. In this position, which was hastily fortified, we repulsed the enemy in three or four assaults which he attempted, and remained in it until withdrawn by the brigade commander. There lay in this front about 40 of the enemy's dead and a large number of wounded.
We had engaged 186 men and 13 officers. Our casualties were 5 men wounded.
Very respectfullyservant,
Lieutenant Colonel Forty-sixth Ohio Vet. VOL. Infantry, Commanding Regiment
Captain O. J. FAST, Actg. Asst. Adjt. General, Second Brigade.
No. 20. Report of Major Edward N. Upton, Forty-sixth Ohio Infantry. HDQRS. FORTY-SIXTH OHIO VETERAN VOL. INFANTRY, Savannah, Ga., December 24, 1864.CAPTAIN: In compliance with orders just received from your office, I beg leave to submit the following report of the operations of this regiment on the late campaign through Georgia:
We started with the brigade from our camp, two miles east of Atlanta, November 15, 1864, on the road toward McDonough; passed through McDonough the 17th, and Indian Springs November 18; crossed the Ocmulgee River November 19; passed through Hillsborough the 20th, and Clington the 21st, and encamped the night of the 21st on the Central
Page 108 | OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI. |