114 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah
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the Second and Third Brigades of this division, to the assault of the fort, which was carried in a very few moments and in gallant style. Both officers and men of my command behaved in a manner highly creditable to themselves, and deserve all the praise bestowed upon brave and gallant soldiers. December 14, camped at White Hall plantation. December 15 and 16, still in camp. December 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21, the brigade was employed in destroying the Gulf railroad. Having burnt every tie and twisted nearly every rail from the Sunbury River to the Ogeechee, returned to camp on the evening of the 21st, in which position it remained until January 1, 1865.
A report of the losses during the campaign has already been forwarded.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel, commanding.
Captain G. LOFLAND,
Asst. Adjt. General, second Division, fifteenth Army Corps.
No. 23. Report of Colonel James S. Martin, One hundred and eleventh Illinois Infantry, commanding Second Brigade. HDQRS. SECOND Brigadier, SECOND DIV., 15TH ARMY CORPS, Savannah, Ga., January 4, 1865.CAPTAIN: *
Broke camp on the morning of the 15th, and entered upon the great campaign of the war. Our line of march was through McDonough. Hillsborough, Clinton, Irwinton, Summerville, Statesborough, and Eden. Crossed the Cannouchee River on the 9th day of December; marched for and struck the Gulf railroad at 3 p. M. ; partially destroying about four miles of same; returned and went into camp near the river. On the following morning marched for Savannah, and went into camp at cross-roads, nine miles west of same, making distance marched 340 miles. The march was almost void of the usual hardships, and might be termed a pleasure trip. The men were abundantly supplies, and manifested no reluctance in obeying General Sherman's order to forage liberally off the country. Remained in camp until 4 p. M. of the 12th, when we broke camp and marched in the direction of King's Brigade; bivouacked for the night near same. Broke camp at 6 o'clock on the following morning, and marched for Fort McAllister; halted at 12 m; formed line, composed of One hundred and eleventh Illinois Volunteers and Fifty-fourth and Forty-seventh Ohio Volunteers, Thirty-seventh and Fifty-third Ohio Volunteers and Eighty-third Indiana Volunteers being held in reserve. Threw out skirmishers and advanced to within 600 yards of the fort, where the main line was halted and skirmishers pushed forward to within range of the fort; remained in this position under fire of the enemy's artillery until 3. 30 p. M., when Colonel Jones, commanding brigade, being in advance of the line, was severely wounded and Captain John H. Groce, acting assistant inspector-General, instantly killed, the same fatal ball killing Captain Groce and wounding Colonel
*For portion of report (here omitted) relating to operations in North Georgia and North Alabama, see VOL. XXXIX, Part I, p. 746.
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