190 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah
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till the fall of Savannah, December 21. I should judge my command had torn up four or five miles of railroad altogether, captured about 30 mules and 10 horses, no cattle; no cotton gins were destroyed; no negroes were allowed to follow the regiment except those employed as officers' servants.
From the time we left Atlanta, November 16, till December 12 my command received from the Government but four days' rations of bread and meal and about half rations of sugar and coffee. The rest of the food which the men had was picked up by foraging parties along the line of march sent out from the regiment. All the forage for the animals from the time we left Atlanta till the fall of Savannah was gathered in the country.
I had 2 men wounded and 1 killed in front of Savannah.
The regiment left Atlanta September 29 with aggregate strength of 307; arrived in front of Savannah, Ga., December 12 with an aggregate of 356, showing a gain of 49.
I am, captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant Colonel, Commanding Seventeenth New York Veteran Vols.
Actg. Asst. Adjt. General, 1st Brigadier, 2nd Div., 14th Army Corps.
Numbers 70. Report of Lieutenant Colonel John S. Pearce, Ninety-eighth Ohio Infantry, commanding Second Brigade.
In Camp, near Savannah, Ga., December 31, 1864.CAPTAIN: *
November 14, marched twenty miles toward Atlanta, Ga., passing to the right of Marietta, Ga. November 15, arrived in Atlanta after marching twelve miles. Here we remained until the following day, November 16, when, in pursuance of previous orders from the commanding General-in-chief, we took up our line of march at 11 o'clock on the Decatur road for what had been before announced in Special Field Orders, Numbers 119, headquarters Military Division of the Mississippi, in the field, Kingston, Ga., November 8, 1864-a departure from our present base and a long and difficult march to a new one, and after marching eleven miles encamped for the night three miles southeast of Decatur, passing through that place late in the afternoon. November 17, marching through Lithonia, encamped within a mile of Conyers, distance eighteen miles, destroying three-quarters of a mile of railroad. On the morning of the 18th we crossed Yellow River on pontoons, and passing through Covington, the county seat of Newton County, Ga., we crossed the Ulcofauhachee River, and after destroying half a mile of railroad encamped one mile beyond that river, having marched a distance of eighteen miles. November 19, marched seventeen miles and bivouacked south of Sandtown. November 20, marched eighteen miles and bivouacked within three miles of Eatonton. November 21, marched ten miles, crossing Murder Creek, and went into camp, there remaining until the morning of the 23d; very cold. November 23, passing
*For portion of report (here omitted) relating to operations in North Georgia and North Alabama, see VOL. XXXIX, Part I, p. 640.
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