Today in History:

192 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah

Page 192 C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.

remained until the fall of Savannah, which took place on the morning of the 21st instant. On the following day we moved to our present camp, within one mile and three-quarters of Savannah. During the campaign to Florence, Ala., and to the time of our return to Atlanta-in all, forty-six days-there were regularly issued to the brigade thirty-five days' rations hard bread, corn meal, and flour; thirteen days' rations salt meat; twenty-eight days' rations fresh beef-total meat, forty-one days; thirty-five days' rations coffee; thirty-four days' rations brown sugar; thirty days' rations salt; twenty days' rations desiccated potatoes; five days' rations soap.

The country through which we marched in the North Alabama campaign, as a general thing, and especially that portion lying between Florence and Athens, contained large quantities of meat, breadstuff, and forage of all kinds, but from the fact that the division was reasonably well supplied with Government actions, and the close proximity of the enemy rendering it important that the entire command should e held well together, General Morgan did not permit but little foraging to be done until we arrived at Gaylesville, Ala., where it became necessary, owing to the scarcity of the regular rations. Whilst we did not, for the most of the time, want for enough to eat, yet for the reasons before stated there was much suffering. The general health of the brigade was good, however.

During the campaign from Atlanta to Savannah, and up to the time of the fall of the city-a period of thirty-six days - the brigade received through the commissary five and a half days' rations of bread, five and a half days' rations of salt meat, thirty-one days' rations of coffee, eighteen days' rations of sugar, twenty-four days' rations of salt, seven and three-quarters days' rations of pease, one day's rations of pepper, ten days' rations of soap. These were all the rations that were issued. The balance of the subsistence for the brigade was drawn from the country by regularly organized foraging parties.

On the campaign from Atlanta to Savannah the brigade foraging party consisted of a certain number of mounted and foot soldiers from each regiment. Over each regimental detail was one commissioned officer in charge, and over all was appointed an additional officer, who had general supervision of the foraging for the brigade. The country through which we passed abounding in all kinds of meat-salt, as well fresh-sweet potatoes, turnips, and other vegetables; molasses, corn meal, flour, rice, and an almost inexhaustible quantity of corn, corn fodder, oats-threshed and in the sheaf-it was very seldom, indeed, that the foraging party failed to amply supply the men and animals of the brigade with forage and provisions for each day they had not the regular ration. Large quantities of salt were found on the march, and near Louisville several pounds of green coffee. During the entire march from Atlanta to Savannah the weather was fie; the roads, except when passing through swamps, good, and but seldom obstructed by the enemy, and then, as a general thing, so triflingly that but little delay was occasioned thereby. The health of the command was most excellent and the spirits buoyant, but very few, if any, men speculating of disaster or failure int he accomplishment of that which all felt and believed or failure I the accomplishment of that which all felt and believed would be a severe blow against the rebellion. The brigade destroyed in all about five miles of railroad and captured 139 mules and 99 horses. The number of negroes following the brigade was 193. I have no knowledge of the destruction of any cotton gins or cotton by my command or any portion of it. If any were destroyed by any portion of the command it was done without my order, knowledge, or consent,

Page 192 C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.