204 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah
Page 204 | Chapter LVI. OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. |
bridge having been destroyed by the enemy, was unable to cross till late in the afternoon. Encamped near Louisville, where the division remained until December 1, 1864.
December 1, at 10 a. m. division moved from camp near Louisville, Ga., in company with General Kilpatrick's division of cavalry, and went into camp at 5 p. m., on the bank of Buck Head Creek. During the day considerable skirmishing with the enemy's cavalry, with a loss on our side of 3 men killed and 10 wounded. December 2, met the enemy again at Rocky Creek, at 10 a. m., posted behind strong barricades and disposed to dispute our crossing at the ford. The Seventy-fourth Indiana charged and dispersed them, and the division marched to the farm of Mr. Gisholm and went into camp. December 3, arrived at Thomas's Station, on the Savannah and Augusta road, and during the night throughly destroyed several miles of railroad track. December 4, General Kilpatrick attacked the enemy's cavalry one mile from Thomas' Station, and drove them in confusion through Waynesborough and two miles beyond. Division followed up and supported General Kilpatrick during the day, and then made a night march to Alexander. Kilpatrick during the day, and then made a night march to Alexander. December 5, reached Jacksborough. December 6, arrived at Beaver Dam Creek, and joined the other two division of the corps. December 7, late at night, reached Sister's Ferry. December 8, remained in camp during the day and had considerable skirmishing with the advance of the enemy's cavalry. Marched at midnight, and crossed Ebenezer Creek at 3 p. m. December 10, encamped within twelve miles of Savannah, making short marches. Division encamped, December 13, on the Louisville road, six miles from the city, where it remained until the 22d, at which time, the city having been evacuated on the night of the 20th, it was moved to a position (still occupied) half a mile from the town. December 27, corps reviewed by Major-General Sherman. The division entered upon the campaign organized as it had hitherto been into three brigades of infantry, commanded respectively by Colonel George P. Este, Fourteenth Ohio Volunteers, Colonel Morton C. Hunter, Eighty-second Indiana Volunteers, and Colonel N. Gleason, Eighty-seventh Indiana Volunteers. The Fifth Wisconsin Battery, four guns, Captain Joseph McKnight, was likewise attached to it.
Our effective force of fighting men during the whole march was, upon an average; a little under 5,000; the number of mouths which we had to feed, including teamsters and servant, somewhat over 6,000.
We cut loose from our connections at Atlanta to march to this point with the following supplies: 57,000 rations bread (about nine and a half days), 161,000 rations coffee (about twenty-seven days), 117,000 rations sugar (about nineteen days), 30,000 rations salt meat (about five days), and an abundance of salt, with some candles and soap. We also started with 550 head of beef-cattle, and have yet remaining seventy-five head. On these supplies, together with what was drawn from the country, the division subsisted from the 16th of November to the 16th of December. The amount of sweet potatoes, hogs, cattle, and poultry taken in the country and consumed by the troops cannot be estimated, but is must have been very large, the men living well.
The division destroyed quite effectually eighteen miles of railroad and two-large bridges, that over Rocky Comfort Creek, on the Augusta road, and that over the Oconee River at Milledgeville, as well as at the State magazine at that place. It destroyed, I feel quite sure, 1,000 bales of cotton, and probably less than 2,000 bales.
The amount of forage and other articles consumed and destroyed cannot be estimated. The command foraged liberally. The
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