237 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah
Page 237 | Chapter LVI. THE SAVANNAH CAMPAIGN. |
man of One hundred and fiftieth New York. I could not reach it with my artillery. At 4 p. m. the enemy were re-enforced by three regiments of artillery from Savannah. From 7 p. m. until 3 a. m. the noise of the retreating enemy could plainly be heard as they crossed the bridges from Savannah to the South Carolina shore. December 21, at 7 a. m. I received orders from the brigadier-General commanding division, through Captain Bennett, topographical engineer, to recross my brigade to the Georgia shore as rapidly as possible and march into Savannah, which place had surrendered to us at 5 a. m. The enemy were still in my front, and I made dispositions to cross by sending the One hundred and fiftieth New York, Colonel Detchan commanding, across to Argyle Island and put into position behind the dike so as to cover the withdrawal of the rear read guard a dike on the Carolina shore to a lower landing opposite Gibbon's Mill. The Second Massachusetts Volunteers and the two pieces or artillery were then withdrawn, the Second Massachusetts landing on Argyle Island, and the artillery loaded on a barge, being ordered to land on the island. On account of the high wind the artillery could not be landed as desired. The enemy perceiving our movements advanced their skirmishers rapidly, but were checked by the bold front and steadiness of our own skirmishers. It was 2 o'clock before the artillery and stores could be go far enough away to warrant the withdrawal of the balance of the brigade; then it was withdrawn, followed by our skirmishers, the enemy pressing hard. The One hundred and seventh New York Volunteers crossed; then the enemy grew more bold, advancing at all points, but under cover of the numerous dikes they were held in check. At sunset the Thirteenth New Jersey Volunteers crossed, and Colonel Hawley, commanding Third Wisconsin, with the skirmish line, was left to the delicate task of withdrawing under cover of darkness. At 11 p. m. the skirmish line crossed and without the loss of a man captured. During the severe skirmishing of the afternoon Colonel John H. Ketchman, commanding One hundred and fiftieth New York Volunteers, a valuable officer, was severely wounded in the thigh. He had but two days before joined his command while we lay on Argyle Island. December 22, crossed from Argyle Island to mainland and took position on the right of the First Brigade of tht two miles north of the city of Savannah. On withdrawing from South Carolina and Argyle Island about 150 negroes came with by brigade.
In closing this report I cannot forbear to say that in my opinion the position taken and held by this brigade on the South Carolina side of the river had much to do in accelerating the evacuation of the city of Savannah.
During the entire march from Atlanta to this place the brigade has subsisted entirely upon the country (for statement of stores captured see appendix C). We have traveled 323 miles, have not lost a man by sickness, and have now only 11 on the sick list, or less than 1 per cent.
For list of casualties see appendix A; for list of prisoners captured see appendix B; for list of property captured and destroyed see appendix C.
Accompanying this report I submit the reports of my regimental commanders.
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel, Commanding Brigade.
Actg. Asst. Adjt. General, First Division, Twentieth Corps.
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