384 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah
Page 384 | OPERATIONS IN S., C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI. |
swamp as I ever saw, my regiment passed through the lines of the Second and Third Kentucky, who relieved me as rear guard. The column still moved slowly, any marched a mile and were just in the act of crossing a swamp when I hear firing almost immediately in my rear. I cast my eyes to the right and rear and saw the rebels and our men mixed up, and all dashing on my rear. No time was to be lost. Sending men forward to a cross fence to throw the fences. I moved my command rapidly to the right, forming on right by file, and gave the command to commence firing. Never did men do better than the gallant men of my regiment that day. Rapidly and steadily they came into line, each one seeming anxious to join in the fray.
In the line, each one seeming anxious commenced passing my left flank. Captain Forrester, of Company K, anticipating the order, wheeled his company and ordered a charge which drove the rebels back, but the gallant captain never lived to receive the praise due his noble action. He was shot at the head of his company while leading the charge. He was a noble officer, true to his profession, honorable in all things, and was equally beloved by his comrades as an officer and a gentleman. After the repulse of the enemy at this point I was ordered to move my command in column in rear of the artillery. This order of march was continued until we passed through the lines of the Second Brigade, halting and going into bivouac near Rocky Creek. Here I was assigned a position on the extreme left of the line, and in accordance with orders strong barricades were thrown up in our front. We had scarcely an hour of quiet when the enemy attacked us again, his first attack being on our front. Here he was repulsed. A small regiment charged my front but was easily repulsed, and I think severely punished for its temerity. Unexpectedly I received the order to mount my men, and I was greatly surprised when I found the whole command in retreat; still I formed my command, took the place assigned my regiment in column, and moved with it to camp. We camped at 11 p. m. that evening. November 29, moved out an hour before daylight and marched to Big Cre after building a barricade at the cross-roads, near the creek. November 30, remained in camp.
December 1, marched at 10 a. m. in advance of the brigade, having the First Battalion, under Major Cheek, thrown forward as an advance guard. Advanced about four miles, when Major Cheek reported the enemy advancing to meet him. I immediately moved forward with the Second Battalion, Captain Glore commanding, and received orders as I passed the general to press forward rapidly, not to give the enemy time to form. I moved rapidly down the road, but on arriving at Major Cheek's position I found him heavily engaged with the enemy, and the nature of the country was such that a charge could only result in disaster. I therefore Captain Glore to form his battalion as rapidly as possible while I rode forward to encourage, and if possible, to press my First Battalion forward. My lines were pressed forward to within thirty yards of the enemy's position in front, but as the enemy had the longest line he enveloped my flanks and caused some confusion. This confusion was greatly augmented by some one giving the command "Fours right" or "Left about", and quite a number of officers and men left the field acting, as I have since learned, upon the supposition that they had been ordered to retire. The majority of my men, regardless of company organizations, rallied, reformed, and held the enemy at bay until a battalion of the Eighth Indiana relieved my left and enabled me again to advance upon the enemy, which I continued to do until I was ordered to halt. This affair occurred at Millen's Grove and certainly was a very warm and spirited little fight,
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