393 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah
Page 393 | Chapter LVI. THE SAVANNAH CAMPAIGN. |
1, Georgia Central Railroad. Ninth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry sent to cover rear of the Twentieth Army Corps. December 11, moved to within six miles of Savannah, the Fifth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry sent to cover rear to Fifteenth Army Corps, and remained in camp on the 12th. December 13, marched at 9 a. m. and encamped three miles south of King's Bridge. December 14, marched to Midway and encamped. December 15 and 16, moved to King's Bridge and encamped, where this report was called for.
During the campaign my brigade has marched 520 miles, been frequently in action, and always successful. Have captured 104 prisoners, 1,159 mules and horses, have subsisted ourselves principally upon the country, and have burned 5,840 bales of cotton, 129 cotton gins and screws, and 11 flouring mills.
My brigade has lost 20 killed in action, 70 wounded in action, and 51 captured by the enemy.
My brigade was organized just before leaving Marietta. The regimental organizations were unaccustomed to act together, and officers and men were strangers. In this month's camping, in bivouac and battle, they have become acquainted, have always acted in harmony and mutual support of each other, and I trust have not failed to win, as a brigade, the confidence and approval of their commanding General.
To officers and men I return my sincerest thanks for their soldierly conduct on all occasions, and their cheerful and prompt obedience to all of my commands. As brigade commander I am proud of my brigade. I feel confidence in it, and its soldierly conduct in this campaign is a sure augury of what it will always be ready to do.
To my personal staff I return my warmest thanks for their cheerful and ready assistance at all times. Major Helm, acting brigade surgeon (now division surgeon), was faithful to sick and wounded, attending to his duties under the enemy's fire. Lieutenant Spear, acting commissioner of subsistence, acted as aide-de-camp, and carried my orders while the battle raged hardest. Captain Cornevin, aide-de-camp, Lieutenant Dawson, aide-de-camp, Lieutenant Swing, aide-de-camp, Lieutenant Cowan, provost-marshal, and Lieutenant Skinner, acting assistant inspector-General, were always faithful and efficient. Lieutenant Cockley, acting aide-de-camp, deserves especial mention. At Waynesborough he thrice requested to go with his regiment, the Tenth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, in its charge, and when permission was granted, dashed forward and fought bravely at its head. To Captain Smith, my acting assistant adjutant-General, courteous, attentive, intelligent, cool, and brave under fire, I am greatly indebted for the harmonious working of my brigade. Lieutenant Bowles, my acting assistant quartermaster, was at all times faithfully attending to his duties.
I inclose herewith the reports of my regimental commanders, which I beg may be taken as a part of this my report.
In conclusion I take great pleasure in stating that nearly always, when my brigade has been engaged with the enemy, Brigadier-General Kilpatrick, commanding the division, has personally superintended the disposition of the troops, riding on the skirmish line in full view of the enemy, and cheering on the men by his presence and example.
I am, captain, most respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel Ninety-second Illinois Infantry, Mounted, Commanding Brigade.
Captain L. G. ESTES,
Assistant Adjutant-General.
Page 393 | Chapter LVI. THE SAVANNAH CAMPAIGN. |