404 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah
Page 404 | OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI. |
The regiment was not engaged again until the arrival of the command at Macon on the 29th day of November, when, during the progress of the demonstration made by General Kilpatrick upon that place, the regiment was ordered to make a saber charge along the Clinton and Macon road, from which the enemy were then firing. The distance to reach the guns was something over half a mile along a road through deep woods which concealed the enemy's guns and their works. The regiment (except one battalion, detached), in pursuance of orders, charged along the road, reached the enemy's guns, which were in a redoubt, completely blocking the road, there being only room for two horses to enter of the redoubt were long lines of breast-works and rifle pits filled with infantry. On the left of the road there was also a battery commanding the road and the point where the road crossed a small but deep creek, being and point from which the regiment started on the charge. Notwithstanding all these obstacles the regiment charged into the redoubt and for a moment had complete possession of it, and could, if the men had possessed the means, have spiked the guns. As the head of the column entered the redoubt the first line of the enemy's infantry (apparently militia) seemed to be stampeded and panic-stricken and were rapidly falling back. The second line, however, were seen advancing to gain a position behind the works abandoned by the militia. An infantry line was also seen advancing from the woods on the left of the road, and seeing that the guns could not be removed, and that there was barely time to withdraw the regiment before the rebel infantry would be upon us, I ordered the column to retire. This was done in good order, under fire from the enemy's guns. The loss of the regiment in this charge was seven wounded. It is with pleasure I call the attention of the colonel commanding to the heroic conduct and bearing of Captain J. H. Hafford, of Company M, commanding Companies C and M. His squadron was in the advance and its head. He was the first man to enter the fort, where his force was shot under him, and falling upon him he could not extricate himself in time to prevent his capture. He is now in the hands of the enemy.
In the next action of note in which the division was engaged, at Reynolds, on the 28th of November, the Tenth being sent to the right flank of the line, which the enemy did not attack, was not attack, was not specially engaged, and nothing more of note occurred until the engagement at Waynesborough, on the 4th of December. On the morning of that day, when the command moved from bivouac at Thomas's Station to attack Wheeler's command near Waynesborough, the Tenth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry moved in the advance, under orders from the colonel commanding brigade, that as an opportunity occurred, to charge with the saber. A skirmish line was thrown out from the regiment, which drove the skirmish line of the enemy for more than a mile back in the direction of Waynesborough, upon their main line, strongly posted behind barricades, dismounted. As soon as this line was developed the regiment was arranged for a charge by battalions. The First Battalion, commanded by Captain S. E. Norton, was directed to move down the railroad on the enemy's left flank; the Second, move to the left so as to turn the barricades on the enemy's right; and the Third Major Filkins, was ordered to move straight on to the barricades; all to charge with the saber at a given signal. At the same time the Ninety-second Illinois (dismounted) moved in line of battle toward the rebel line. As soon as that regiment got within range, I ordered the charge, which was made in splendid style, the barricades carried, and the whole rebel line
Page 404 | OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI. |