Today in History:

406 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah

Page 406 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.

and Savannah Railroad. On the 13th and 14th the battery marched thirty miles to Midway Church. On the 16th the battery went into camp at King's Bridge, where it remains yet.

During this campaign the company has been in action seven times and marched 520 miles. They have lost I wagon, 50 horses, and I caisson. They have captured 2 horses, 10 mules, and 2 guns.

In a report of this kind there cannot be much said to dazzle the imagination; but if cheerful fighting, tedious marching and tireless vigilance does lack excitement, it cannot fail to command the admiration of friends and foes.

I am, captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Captain Tenth Battery Wisconsin Volunteer Artillery.

Captain H. J. SMITH,

Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

Numbers 157. Report of Major General Joseph Wheeler, C. S. Army, commanding Cavalry Corps. HEADQUARTERS CAVALRY CORPS, Near Savannah, Ga., December 24, 1864.

COLONEL: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of my command from November 19, 1864, the date General Hardee assumed command:

For several days previous to that date I had been resisting the enemy's advance from Atlanta toward Macon, reporting daily to Generals Bragg, Hood, Hardee, and Taylor, and also to Governor Brown, almost the exact movements and intentions of the enemy. Anderson's brigade had been ordered to report to Major General Howell Cobb, at Macon, in order that he might place him in position to observe the enemy approaching Macon on the east side of the Ocmulgee River. This brigade was placed in position by General Cobb on the Clinton road.

On the 19th I sent Crews' (Georgia) brigade with orders also to report to General Cobb. This brigade, Colonel Crews reports, was placed in position on the Milledgeville road, with instructions, as I afterward learned, to follow and engage any raiding party of the enemy which might toward the railroad. Toward evening on the 19th I ascertained from my scouts that the main forces of the enemy had crossed the Ocmulgee River above the mouth of the Towaliga, which induced me to move to Macon in person, directing all my command, except Ferguson's and Breckinridge's brigades, to follow me.

On arriving at Macon, about 11 p. m., I found Lieutenant-General Hardee, who had assumed command of the department. He directed me to move at daylight with all my available force, except Crew's brigade, out on the Clinton road and ascertain the enemy's force and location. In obeying this order, and before marching toward Clinton, both my flanks were menaced by small parties of the enemy, which I was obliged to drive off, causing some delay. I then moved on rapidly with my advance guard to Clinton, and found Osterhaus' corps moving through the town. This was not observed until very near the column, owing to a dense fog. Six men dashed into the town and captured Gen-

Page 406 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.