Today in History:

419 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah

Page 419 Chapter LVI. ENGAGEMENT AT HONEY, S. C.

man, including the lieutenant commanding, of Captain Leed's [Leigh's] company, Colonel Maury's Fifteenth Confederate Cavalry, was made a prisoner. Two companies had been ordered away the day oint on the railroad in the direction of Pollard, or undoubtedly they would have shared the same fate. All the barracks, stables, shelters, &c., sufficiently extensive for a regiment, were burned, together with what commissary and quartermaster's stores were found.

Having accomplished all that was intended I recrossed the bridge, destroyed what of it remained, and in accordance with my orders started for Barrancas. I arrived in camp with my command a little after midnight, bringing with me all the prisoners, captured mules, horses, &c.

There were no casualties among our troops; not a man was injured. The conduct of both officers and men was at all times good and all that could be desired.

It would hardly be doing justice did I not make special mention of Lieutenant Joseph G. Sanders, Company F, First Florida Cavalry. He is a worthy officer, and deserves high praise for his meritorious conduct. He was at all times in command of the advance guard, and much of the success is due to the prompt and faithful manner in which all orders were executed. Among those under his command who did excellent service may be mentioned Sergeants Hollinger, Company E, Woodham, Company F, and Morgan, Company C, First Florida; Sergeants Butler, Company B, and Baker, Company F, Second Maine. These sergeants were at all times brave, active and zealous in performing their duties. Major Hutchinson, commanding the Second Maine, and Major Ruttkay, commanding the First Florida Cavalry, were prompt and energetic.

I have the honor to be, General, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Lieutenant-Colonel Second Maine Cavalry Commanding Expedition.

Bvt. Brigadier General J. BAILLEY,

Commanding District of West Florida.

NOVEMBER 30, 1864-Engagement at Honey Hill, near Grahamville, S. C.


Numbers 1. - Major General John G. Foster, U. S. Army, commanding Department of the South, including operations November 28 - December 7.

Numbers 2. - Brigadier General John P. Hatch, U. S. Army, commanding Coast Division.

Numbers 3. - Brigadier General Edward E. Potter, U. S. Army, commanding First Brigade.

Numbers 4. - Colonel William Gurney, One hundred and twenty-seventh New York Infantry.

Numbers 5. - Lieutenant Colonel Nathaniel Haughton, Twenty-fifth Ohio Infantry.

Numbers 6. - Colonel Alfred S. Hartwell, Fifty-fifth Massachusetts Infantry, commanding Second Brigade.

Numbers 7. - Colonel Henry L. Chipman, One hundred and second U. S. Colored Troops, commanding Second Brigade.

Numbers 8. - Lieutenant Colonel William Ames, Third Rhode Island Artillery, commanding Artillery Brigade.

Numbers 9. - Commander George H. Prebble, U. S. Navy, commanding Marine Brigade.


* See also report of Major General Gustavus W. Smith, p. 413; and f r reports of naval co-operating forces, see Annual Reports of the Secretary of the Navy, Department 4, 1865.


Page 419 Chapter LVI. ENGAGEMENT AT HONEY, S. C.