Today in History:

590 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah

Page 590 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.

SAVANNAH, Saturday Morning, 26th.

We have no reliable information from the front to-day of any movements that are going on. We learn that the opinion prevails to some extent in military circles that Sherman intends yet to fall upon Macon, and not press on toward the coast at present. Our own forces are gathering and going to the proper place. We are informed that over 3,000 rations were issued in this city this morning to newly arrived veteran troops, and we are also officially informed that 4,000 or 5,000 will pass through here in two or three days.


Abstract from returns of the Union Forces in the Savannah Campaign, Major General William T. Sherman commanding, for November 30, 1864.

Present for duty.

Command. Officer Men. Aggrega Aggrega Pieces

s. te te of

present present field

. and artill

absent. ery.

Army of the


Fifteenth Army 774 15. 685 18. 942 29. 18

Corps (Osterhaus). 110

Seventeenth Army 416 11. 911 13. 905 23. 14

Corps (Blair). 916

Total Right Wing 1. 190 27. 596 32. 847 53. 32

(Howard). 026

Army of Georgia:

General 6 . . . 6 6 . . .


Fourteenth Army 607 13. 922 16. 346 27. 16

Corps (Davis). 658

Twentieth Army 676 14. 024 16. 634 29. 16

Corps (Williams). 126

Total Left Wing 1. 189 27. 946 32. 986 56. 32

(Slocum). 790

Cavalry 249 5. 075 6. 210 10. 4

(Kilpatrick). 229

Grand total. 2. 728 60. 617 72. 043 120. 68


[NOVEMBER 30, 1864. - For organization of Sherman's army during the Savannah Campaign, see p. 19, and for the "effective strength," see p. 16.]

Abstract from return of the Department of the South, Major General John G. Foster, U. S. Army, commanding, for November 30, 1864.

Present for duty. Pieces of artillery.

Command. Office Men. Aggreg Aggreg Heavy. Field.

rs. ate ate

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t. t and



General 50 81 132 134 . . . . . .


1st New York 8 576 616 684 . . . . . .




Northern 156 4. 5. 6. . . . 6

District 648 560 616


District of 35 1. 1. 2. . . . 7

Beaufort 011 594 851


District of 69 2. 2. 3. 66 11

Hilton Head a 024 711 285


District of 93 2. 3. 4. . . . . . .

Florida 571 285 265


Total. 411 10. 13. 17. 66 24

911 898 835

a NOTE ON RETURN. - All the regiments of the Third Separate Brigade [Hilton Head] are at the front. On account of the November return not having been received from said brigade, its October return has been used in making up this return, deducting the Engineers therefrom, which are accounted for in a body separately on this return.

Page 590 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.