Today in History:

628 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah

Page 628 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.

for these, in addition to those already in the Department of the South. I am directed by the Secretary of War to instruct you to resort, of necessary, to the seizure of hay, rather than allow any failure to fill your orders. Such an instruction will be mailed to you with this. I need not say that this extreme measure is to be avoided if possible; but it is necessary to the safety of the country that the army trains and cavalry horses be kept in efficient condition, and, rather than let them suffer, the seizure of hay will be resorted to. Probably, if you knew of any great stock held for speculations, on intimation that if necessary this extreme measure will be employed, it will induce the owners to accept a reasonable price. For hay purchased the Department will pay as promptly as possible; hay seized will only be paid for after our debts for such as is purchased are discharged.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Quartermaster-General, Brevet Major-General.

In the Field, Ogeechee Church, GA., December 5, 1864.

Major-General HOWARD,

Commanding Army of the Tennessee;

DEAR GENERAL: Since sending the messenger to you this morning General Blair has entered this place almost unopposed. Some field works are fresh, and, so far as I have examined, would be such as would be thrown up by 5,000 inexperienced hands. General Slocum reports he will be to-night at the point where his road next north of this intersects the one from here to Poor Robin, but he has not heard from Generals Davis and Kilpatrick since he heard their firing yesterday morning. Davis has orders to move from the point where he separated from Slocum, viz, Buck Head Church, to Halley's Ferry, abreast of this on the Savannah, via Sylvania. I have sent a courier to General Slocum, to communicate with General Davis at once and report to me at what moment he will be ready to move on. You will observe that, with Davis at Halley's, we threaten South Carolina, and to that extent will confuse our enemy; but I will not lose a moment, only we must move in concert, or else will get lost. You may make all the dispositions to cross at 3, but the point 2 is the true one, unless modified by local geography. I will disturb the railroad but little south of this, as we may have use for it our this far. Still, Blair can burn the bridges and culverts, and also enough cotton-gins and barns to mark the progress of his head of column. I don't want him to start till I know Davis is abreast.

Yours, &c.,


Major-General, Commanding.


Numbers 186.
Lane's Farm, GA., December 5, 1864.

* * * * *

III. First, the command will remain substantially to-morrow as in camp this evening. Second, General Osterhaus will make a demonstration toward Numbers 2, and with his cavalry and a brigade of infantry secure,

Page 628 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.