Today in History:

870 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah

Page 870 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.

enemy's rear report Fourteenth crossed Chattahoochee to join Sherman, giving him four corps. This information has been communicated to General Hood. It is left optional with him to divide and re-enforce Cobb, or take the offensive immediately to relieve him.


MACON, November 19, 1864.

Honorable James A. SEDDON,

Secretary of War:

There is great scarcity of arms in Georgia and South Carolina to meet the enemy. It is necessary to have additional arms to put into the hands of the levy en masse ordered by the Legislature of Georgia, and the reserve militia of South Carolina now called out by Governor Bonham. Please have all spare arms sent to Charleston, S. C., subject to my orders.


Lieutenant - General.

MACON, November 19, 1864.

General S. COOPER:

I reached here this morning. The enemy on both sides Ocmulgee River, about thirty miles from Macon. A column is reported near Special Circle marching on Augusta. My opinion, hastily formed from the information before me, is that the enemy will ultimately form junction and march upon Augusta; General Cobb concurs. The force of the enemy consists of the Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, and Twentieth Army Corps; and the infantry under General Cobb is around Macon.


Lieutenant - General.

MACON, November 19, 1864 - 8 p. m.

General S. COOPER,

Adjutant and Inspector General:

Enemy's cavalry entered Clinton today. Enemy reported seven miles this side Madison at 9 o' clock this morning; said to be Slocum's corps.


Lieutenant - General.

MACON, November 19, 1864. (Received 20th.)

General S. COOPER,

Adjutant and Inspector General:

I have ordered Wheeler to make an attack on the enemy tomorrow at Clinton (20th), [so] as to ascertain definitely his movements and intentions.


Lieutenant - General.

Page 870 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.