Today in History:

890 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah

Page 890 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.

Charleston, S. C., November 23, 1864.

Brigadier General J. H. TRAPIER,

Georgetown, S. C.:

GENERAL: Lieutenant - General Hardee directs me to prepare for a very heavy attack on this city. It is necessary to have every available force at and near this place. You will, therefore, order Gaillard's battery from Santee, and Kirk's squadron from Georgetown, to repair without delay to Mount Pleasant and report for temporary duty to Major General R. Ransom, commanding the Second Sub-District. The troops will bring with them as full supplies for subsistence and ammunition as practicable, and prepared for active service. Hold your remaining force, with the exception of McIchers' company, to move at the shortest notice to the same point - Mount Pleasant. I desire to see and confer with you, and will be glad if you will repair to this city as soon as you have given the necessary orders to carry out the foregoing instructions. Order Captain McIchers to use the utmost care and watchfulness, and, in the event of an attack during your absence, to defend his post to the last extremity, and if forced torture to [save] his guns, or, if too hard pressed for that, to spike them and save his men, bringing them to Mount Pleasant. Instruct your staff officers, in the event of a threatened attack on Georgetown, to move the Government property in their charge to the Pee Dee bridge.

I am, very respectfully, General, your obedient servant,


Major - General, Commanding.

MACON, November 24, 1864.

(Via Savannah 28th. Received 29th.)


I arrived here this morning. Reports indicate enemy's advance to have reached a line extending from Davisborough to Warrenton, moving eastwardly, destroying Central and Georgia railroads. Probabilities are that that the enemy will follow most direct route to Port Royal, intending to re-enforce Grant as soon as practicable. State militia and reserves leave in the morning, under General G. W. Smith, to re-enforce General Hardee. Have ordered General Hood to take active-offensive in Middle Tennessee to relieve General Lee.


MACON, GA., November 24, 1864.

(Via Mobile.)

General J. B. HOOD:

Sherman's movements is progressing rapidly towards Atlantic coast, doubtless to re-enforce Grant. It is essential you should take offensive and crush enemy's force in Middle Tennessee soon as practicable, to relieve Lee.



Page 890 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.