Today in History:

900 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah

Page 900 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.

MILLEN, November 26, 1864.

General WHEELER,

Commanding Cavalry:

I send you a dispatch from General Bragg. It will be taken by engine as far as it is deemed safe, and from thence it will be sent to you by courier. It is important that you ascertain in what direction the enemy moves from Sandersville, whether toward Augusta or toward Savannah. Put up your telegraph wires at some point below, so as to communicate with Bragg and myself.



Lieutenant - General.

RICHMOND, VA., November 26, 1864.

Colonel W. M. BROWNE,

Augusta, GA.:

I am very anxious to know progress of operations, and to learn what is known at Macon of our troops, present and expected. Could not a courier go through the country?


AUGUSTA, November 26, 1864.

His Excellency the PRESIDENT:

Enemy's cavalry reported 1,000 strong, but believed not to exceed half that amount, were near Warrenton at midday. Infantry strength not reported, but believed to be 20,000, near Sparta, at same time. Our cavalry in their official from Central road. There is good reason to believe the left of the enemy is at Sandersville; the cavalry of that wing said to be 5,000 strong; this is believed to be nearly correct; infantry, 20,000 to 25,000. Dispatch just received says enemy's cavalry, of his right wing, under Kilpatrick, is marching toward Augusta. Wheeler, with nearly equal force, is endeavoring to overtake them. An officer through from Macon today says all quiet there; General Taylor in command; enemy devastating country behind him. I have been ordered by General Bragg to take command of local brigade.


Colonel, &c.

AUGUSTA, November 26, 1864.

Major - General McLAWS:

Enemy's cavalry near Ogeechee Shoals, Warren County; infantry near Sparta. I have nothing official from Central road.

B. D. FRY,

Brigadier - General.

Page 900 OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI.