930 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah
Page 930 | OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI. |
to retire toward Brier Creek. A number of officers and men were killed and wounded, including Colonel Gaines, commanding brigade, severely wounded. Enemy's loss very heavy; General Kilpatrick reported wounded. My officers and men behaved most gallantly.
NEAR WALKER'S BRIDGE, December 4, 1864-8 p. m.
Enemy have all moved east of Buck Head Creek. They appear to be encamped on railroad, from Waynesborough to Station 7, on Savannah road. Possibly their advance is nearer Savannah than Station 7. I have had three brigades on enemy's front and rear, and balance of my command on their flank. Seventeenth Corps crossed Ogeechee, from Emanuel to Burke County, opposite 95, on Thursday. On Wednesday Fifteenth Corps moved from Louisville toward Station 90. Enemy's cavalry passed through Waynesborough, stealing horses in Emanuel County. General Sherman in person reported near Thomas' Station to-day.
NEAR WALKER'S BRIDGE, December 5, 1864-4. 30 a. m.
Enemy's infantry and cavalry left Waynesborough going toward Millen; they were in very large force, both infantry and cavalry. Everything now appears to be moving toward Savannah.
AUGUSTA, December 5, 1864.
General S. COOPER,
Adjutant and Inspector General:
From two sources (unofficial) I learn General Beauregard left Macon on 41st and was in Montgomery on 2nd. I again send a copy of your dispatch to him, to be telegraphed from Macon.
SAVANNAH, December 5, 1864.
Major-General JONES:
You are placed in charge of the entire line of the Charleston and Savannah Railroad. It is suggested that there should be a force at Green Pond. You will keep a movable force of 500 infantry and one section of artillery on a train, ready to move at a moment's notice to any threatened points. A train has already been furnished General Chestnut for their purpose.
By command of Lieutenant-General Hardee:
T. B. ROY,
Assistant Adjutant-General.
SAVANNAH, December 5, 1864.
Major-General JONES:
Colonel Colcock has been sent up the Savannah River with a battery and a section of artillery and a company of cavalry, and the gun-boat Macon, which has reached Sister's Ferry, has been ordered to patrol as high up the river as practicable. Lee has been ordered to furnish the transportation you need.
T. B. ROY,
Assistant Adjutant-General.
Page 930 | OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA. Chapter LVI. |