Today in History:

996 Series I Volume XLIV- Serial 92 - Savannah

Page 996 Chapter LVI. OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA.

Such is the damaged condition of the road below Gordon that it is considered inexpedient at present to attempt the repair of it. In view also of the fact that the enemy with a very large army holds Savannah, it is considered very unsafe to attempt any further repairs of the road.

Resolved. That painful as it is, the employed in the road department must be discharged on the 31st instant, except so many as are indispensably necessary to do the work hereinbefore set forth, and the superintendent is directed to be particular in keeping down the force to the lowest possible point. He is to report to-morrow, or as soon thereafter (before the 31st instant) as he can, the employed who are to be retained.

In relation to the banks:

Resolved, That the only officer to be retained in the service besides the Cooks is Mr. T. M. Cunningham.

Considering the necessary curtailments of expense indicated by the preceding, the president voluntarily relinquishes part of his salary to &8,000 per annum, to begin on the 1st day of January, 1865.


RICHMOND, VA., December 28, 1864.


Charleston, S. C.:

The Secretary of the Navy represents the value as such, in the Government work-shops at Columbus, GA., of the naval battalion now at Green Pond, and their rapidly diminishing numbers, that it is suggested the remainder be returned as soon as possible to their former employment at Columbus.


CHARLESTON, December 28, 1864.

(Received 10. 30th.)

General S. COOPER,

Adjutant and Inspector General:

General Cobb reports railroad from Macon to Milledgeville will e completed to-morrow. He urges completion of telegraph line from Augusta to Atlanta, the one via Millen being unreliable.



CHARLESTON, December 28, 1864.

(Received 10. 30 29th.)

General S. COOPER:

My presence being required immediately in western part of my present command, I respectfully request, on account of interruption in railroad communication, that the order extending the limits of said command to Atlantic coast be recalled. The Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida might be annexed to General Bragg's department.



Page 996 Chapter LVI. OPERATIONS IN S. C., GA., AND FLA.