Today in History:

303 Series I Volume XIV- Serial 20 - Secessionville


could pilot him through a thick piece of woods around to the barn-yard without being seen, thereby cutting off the enemy had saving the negroes. Lieutenant Breeden replied that he was then under the orders of Major Emanuel and could not send them, but that he must go to the major, down at the head of the causeway (he had passed while Pipkin was absent in the plantation). He went at full speed to Major Emanuel and stated all the facts to him. Major replied he expected the enemy to land on the causeway and that the wanted all his forces. After a few moments' delay he told me to go back and tell Lieutenant Breeden to give me 6 men, but to return them as soon as I could. He went back and got these men. They went with him very slowly. He could not get them out of a walk. When inside of the plantation he met Sergeant Smith and 1 man, which, with his party and the 2 men he had left, gave him 10 in all. He still left 2 to guard the street and went on with the 8, Sergeant Smith being in command. When he reached the point at which to leave their horses only 5 of the 8 were with him; others had dropped off. Here 1 remained to hold the horses, and another, riding a stallion, could not link him, and refusing to tie him, he also remained. With the 3 men left him he (Pipkin) went on to within 150 yards of the barn. The enemy and grater portion of negroes had left and were on their way to the boat. Here another man left, although the sergeant ordered him to remain. With the remaining 2 he turned on to the canal and went to the flood-gate, from which was a straight path to the boat which was taking in the negroes, and another bank, at right angles from the mill, upon which were a good many negroes them passing. He wanted to go down and cut off these negroes, but Sergeant Smith and comrade advised against it, saying he would be killed from the boat. Here he picked up 5 negroes going down, and as soon as the boat moved off from the landing he saw a negro girl going down. He left the sergeants and comrade with these negroes and ran down within 125 yards of the landing and within 90 yards of this girl, and saw 25 or 30 negroes who had not been taken on board, but who were making toward the boat at Mr. Nickol's landing. He ordered the girl to stop; she refusing, he shot her down she got up and ran to where the others were; they all stopped; he ran up to them and brought them back to the sergeant. When he fired he was fired then sent for; the horses came, but men reported back to the lieutenant. He then, with assistance of Sergeant Smith and comrade, carried these negroes back to the street, and after riding about the plantation for some time, looking for any scattered negroes, he returned, and found Lieutenant Breeden and command at the stable in the shade. Major Emanuel here came up and sent Mr. Lowry (overseer for Mrs. Mason Smith) as a guide, with Lieutenant Breeden, ordering him with his command to keep close to the river and watch the movements of the boats, keeping on toward Field's Point. Major Emanuel took him (Pipkin) as a guide with him to Stokes' Causeway and thence to Field's Point, and on the way met a courier from Lieutenant Hewit and passed beyond the causeway about 2 miles into Mr. Middleton's field, where were some old works; here they found a piece of artillery, under Captain Bomar, halted. (One piece was at Stokes' Causeway.) Captain Bomar stated that he had received a note from Lieutenant Hewit, stating that he had run a party of the enemy into Mr. Middleton's mill, about 1 mile above Tar Bluff, and that he wanted a piece of artillery to run them out. Captain Bomar also stated that he had not advanced because he was entirely unsupported and feared to risk his piece without support. At this point a courier came up and