Today in History:

153 Series I Volume XII-I Serial 15 - Second Manassas Part I


Answer. I do not remember very well whether these letters were sent to me, but I admit that they were sent. in regard to the cavalry, I know that they arrived at Buckland Mills-I think after dark.

Question by General MCDOWELL. Did you see General McDowell at Warrenton on the 27th, before you marched for Buckland Mills?

Answer. I do not know.

Question by General MCDOWELL. Without asking as to the nature or quality of the combination or co-operation, I wish the witness to state if the general order he received at 2.45 a. m. at Buckland Mills, August 28, did or did not imply or provide for a combined movement or co-operation of his own and General McDowell's corps.

Answer. I do not know exactly but I admit it, because I think it very natural.

Qquestion by General MCDOWELL. Did or did not the order, in the opinion of the witness, imply that movement of his own corps and that of General McDowell should all be to the left of, or on the north side of, the Manassas Railroad, that road being taken as the directing line of the movement?

Answer. I did not hear anything about a directing line. I probably had on that night no definite idea what would be the best line of attack.

Question by General MCDOWELL. Did you or did you not understand that your corps was to march on the left of, or north side of, the Manassas Railroad?

Answer. I could not understand that fully. I probably thought that on my way I should keep as near as possible on the line of the railroad, and, if I should find the enemy between Gainesville and Manassas, that I should form my corps in line of battle, my right resting as near as possible to the railroad, my left extending to near Groveton or New market, wherever I was.

QUESTION by General MCDOWELL. Did not an aide-de-camp of General McDowell come to the witness when he was at or just beyond Gainesville to tell him from General McDowell he was to march with his right on the Manassas Railroad, and did not the witness, when he was marching south of the road, receive through other officers of General McDowell's staff similar instructions?

Answer. I do not remember that an aide-de-camp of General McDowell came to me, but it may have been so; and, in regard to the other officers, I also do not know of having seen any one.

Question by General MCDOWELL. The witness gives as a second reason (yesterday's proceedings) that he did not disobey General McDowell's order, that if he, the witness, would have undertaken to march to Manassas Junction with his right always on the railroad it would have been impossible to do so, according to his best knowledge. Does the witness desire to be understood that when he receives an order for an important movement on which the whole army depends, and finds while executing it some part impracticable, that this absolves him from carrying out that part which is practicable, and that where a literal compliance is impossible the spirit of the order is not to be followed?

The court considered this question objectionable and overruled it.

The court decided that $5 par diem be paid the clerk of this court, as a fair compensation for his services, from and to include the 21st December, 1862.

The court adjourned to meet to-morrow, December 30, 1862, at 11 o'clock a. m.