Today in History:

200 Series I Volume XII-I Serial 15 - Second Manassas Part I

Page 200 OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV.



Washington, D. C., January 13, 1863.

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Colonel EDMUND SCHRIVER, aide-de-camp, U. S. Army, a witness, was recalled.

Question by the COURT. In what formation did General McDowell move his command from Gainesville to Bethlehem Church; in column, by a flank, or in what way?

Answer. As well as I remember it was in a column by a flank-the usual mode of marching en route-and by fours.

Question by the COURT. How did the brigades succeed each other; whether over the same ground or in some other and what way?

Answer. I was not with them, so as to answer the question.

Question by the COURT. Can you give us the name of any officer of General McDowell's staff who is present and can give us the information?

Answer. No.

Question by the COURT. Have you any knowledge, or had you any information at the time, that King's division did not follow over the same route behind Reynolds' division?

Answer. No.

Major General JOHN POPE, U. S. Volunteers, a witness, was duly sworn.

Question by General MCDOWELL. What command did you exercise in the campaign in Virginia last summer?

Answer. I commanded the Army of Virginia.

Question by General MCDOWELL. Please state as fully as you can everything concerning the battle of Cedar Run, or Slaughter's Mountain, on the 9th of August, which will show under what circumstances General McDowell's troops were sent forward and brought into action on that day; whether or not General McDowell fully complied with your orders concerning the movement and disposition of his troops, and how it happened that General Banks' corps sustained alone, until driven back, the engagement on the afternoon and evening of that day.

Answer. In order that my statement may be fully understood it will be necessary for me to describe the positions of the army corps and divisions of that army a day or two previous to that battle and the movements that were made up to the time of its occurrence.

On the 6th August the troops were distributed as follows: Sigel's corps at Sperryville; Banks' corps at Little Washington, with Crawford's brigade of that corps occupying Culpeper Court-House; Ricketts' division of McDowell's corps on the march from Waterloo to Culpeper. The disposition of the cavalry to cover the front of the army on that day, and until they were driven in by the advance of Jackson's forces, were as follows: Five regiments of cavalry, under Brigadier-General Buford occupied Madison Court-House, with their advance pickets thrown forward to the line of the Rapidan, and extending westward from Barnett's Ford, on that river, to the base of the Blue Ridge. Bayard, with four regiments of cavalry, was in the neighborhood of Rapidan Station, with his pickets along that river as far east as Raccoon Ford, and connecting with General Buford's pickets, on his right, at Barnett's Ford. From bayard's left, at Raccoon Ford, to the forks of the Rappahannock, above Falmouth, the river was lined with cavalry pickets. Between Generals Buford and Bayard and on the summit of Thoroughfare Mountain was established a signal station, which overlooked the whole country as far south as Orange Court-House, 8 or 9 miles south of the Rapidan. From these cavalry forces and the signal station on Thoroughfare

Page 200 OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV.