Today in History:

270 Series I Volume XII-I Serial 15 - Second Manassas Part I

Page 270 OPERATIONS IN N. VA.,W. VA.,AND MD. Chapter XXIV.

His manner was so confusing and his language so indefinite that it was difficult to understand where he needed the assistance which he called for.

Question by General McDowell. Were you near to General McDowell? If so, how near?

Answer. I was within 4 or 5 yards of him.

Question by General McDOWELL. State what you know of what was said by General Milroy to General McDowell, and the replies, if any, of the latter.

Answer. I can't remember the words of General Milroy, but they were to the effect that our troops in front were being badly cut up, and that re-enforcements must be sent or else the day would be lost. I do not think that General McDowell made any reply, and am quite sure he said nothing about General Sigel.

Question by General McDOWELL. Was there any question at all raised about re-enforcing General Sigel?

Answer. I do not recollect having heard either General McDowell or General Milroy mention General Sigel's name.

Question by General McDOWELL. Did General Milroy speak in a loud voice?

Answer. He did.

Question by General McDOWELL. Did General McDowell, soon after General Milroy came up, send forward re-enforcements on the application of another officer?

Answer. He did.

Question by General McDOWELL. Did you know why General McDowell hesitated to grant General Milroy's application and then sent off re-enforcements on the application of another?

Answer. I think I did. General Porter's corps, or a part of it, was acting as a reserve, and I supposed that General McDowell scarcely felt authorized to send them forward, unless very urgently required, without an order to that effect from General Pope. General McDowell sent these troops to support General Meade, who a few moments after General Milroy came up had sent a messenger to General McDowell, who said that General Meade was pressed hardly by the enemy and could not hold his position without re-enforcements. General McDowell then spoke a few words to General Porter, and a part of General Sykes' division immediately went forward to re-enforce General Meade.

Question by the COURT. Who was with General Milroy when he approached General McDowell? Was General Milroy alone or was he accompanied by any staff officer or orderly?

Answer. I think he was alone.

Question by the COURT. How do you know that General Porter's corps was acting as a reserve? Was it by the orders of General Pope or of General McDowell?

Answer. I did not know by whose order it was; I saw them drawn up in line of battle quite far to the rear of where the other troops were engaged. I judged they were the reserve from their position.

The court took a recess of five minutes.

General McDowell made the following statement:

I consider the evidence of General Buchanan essential in connection with General Milroy's report, and I request that the court will wait till to-morrow morning to receive it, as I have every reason to believe that he will be here. It is now near the hour of adjournment.

The court adjourned to meet to-morrow morning, February 4, 1863, at 11 o'clock.

Page 270 OPERATIONS IN N. VA.,W. VA.,AND MD. Chapter XXIV.