Today in History:

615 Series I Volume XII-I Serial 15 - Second Manassas Part I


ble. This regiment, the Twenty-eighth New York, Lieutenant-Colonel Brown, fell also under my command. Upon arriving near Newtown I found some confusion in the trains, and saw perhaps six or seven wagons that had been overset and abandoned.

The Twenty-seventh Indiana, of my brigade (previously ordered with a section of artillery to this point), I found drawn up in line of battle. The rebel battery and force were said to be at the town, distant beyond about half a mile. I made disposition to attack them with artillery and infantry, holding one regiment in reserve for further use. The Second Massachusetts, under Lieutenant-Colonel Andrews, with skirmishers thrown to its front, covered the approaches to the town, supported by its own reserve and the Twenty-eighth New York.

The rebel force was at once driven from the town. A heavy fire of artillery was opened upon my command from a rebel battery, to which we replied with spirit, driving the enemy from his position. After an hour or more of skirmishing, with continued firing of artillery on both sides, I had driven the enemy from Newtown, which I held.

At this time I was joined by General Hatch, who had by a circuitous pathway been able to join the first half of the column. He at once confirmed my fears that the enemy in strong force had taken a portion of the rear half of our train, with such stores as might have been left at Cedar Creek and such forces as had not happily escaped. I became convinced of the impossibility of making headway against the force in my front and I much feared being surrounded, as large bodies of cavalry were seen in the distance toward Winchester, my then rear.

It was now about 8 o'clock; General Hatch was safe; the enemy driven from Newtown; all our train in advance of the center protected from further assault. I determined to withdraw, and, as I could not transport, to burn the 7 or 8 abandoned wagons. This was accordingly done.

The difficulty task of keeping the enemy at bay was confided to the Second Massachusetts Regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Andrews. To aid him I ordered cavalry and one section of artillery to the rear. The column thus proceeded to join the main body at Winchester. Fearful of an attempt on the part of the enemy to seize the road where it enters Winchester (and which they did not an hour after the Second Massachusetts passed), I made rapid progress, reaching the environs of Winchester at about 12 o'clock at night. Frequent reports from Lieutenant-Colonel Andrews advised me of the good progress of the rear, also that they were somewhat annoyed with skirmishing cavalry. I sent him such additional force as I thought might be necessary, but becoming impatient at his non-arrival I went out with an orderly to meet him, and arrived at the head of the regiment at about 1 o'clock. Rather a severe skirmish was then going on between the rear company of the regiment, Captain Underwood, and the enemy. Their temerity punished and their advanced checked, we reached our encampment at 2.30 a.m.

The men of my brigade were without shelter, many of them without rations, having imprudently, though intending to offer better service, laid aside their knapsacks. Their capture by the enemy deprived them of food.

The Second Massachusetts Regiment made this day a march of 30 miles, nearly 10 miles of which was a continued running fight. The service performed by this regiment on this occasion reflects the greatest credit upon both officers and men, never shaken by the discharge of artillery and musketry into their ranks. This noble regiment moved