680 Series I Volume XII-I Serial 15 - Second Manassas Part I
Page 680 | OPERATIONS IN N. VA.,W. VA.,AND MD. Chapter XXIV. |
partly by platoons, partly by fours, as the nature of the ground would allow it, when a sudden fire was opened on us on our right in an oblique direction. The first division, consisting of Company A, bravely rushed onward, Major Beaumont at the head. Colonel Wyndham, at the head of another division, followed, and myself at the head of the rest of the regiment. The roar of musketry had now opened fairly, and, as far as I can judge in the moment of confusion, I saw fire in our front and on both flanks. The first two platoons suddenly emerged from the woods in a retrograde movement, threatening to throw the rest of the column in confusion which followed. Colonel Wyndham made an oblique movement to the left. I followed, and when in the act of tearing down fences in order to get into a belt of woods which separated us from the enemy, and from behind which he was discharging his deadly missiles, the colonel disappeared from my sight, and I was left alone among a headless mass of men and horses.
All the officers, as far as I could see, behaved bravely in trying to rally their men, but of no avail. They retreated without order and in the greatest confusion-for the most part panic-stricken.
Our loss in killed, wounded, and missing amounts to 32.
The regiment mourns for one of its noblest officers in the person of Captain Haines, who was shot through the body in the moment when he nobly was endeavoring to rally his men.
Colonel Wyndham, Captains Shelmire, of Company A, and Clark, of Company G, were taken prisoners.
The standard of the regiment fell into the enemy's hands after the horse was shot and the standard-bearer himself wounded in the face.
In killed the regiment lost but 4 men. The rest evidently were all taken prisoners.
My own horse was shot by a Minie-rifle ball in the hip, which proves of little consequence.
Our retreat lasted for 1 1/2 miles, when the men again came to their senses and rallied.
Among the officers I especially noticed Captains Boyd and Brodrick, who behaved very coolly and judiciously, being the last in their retreat; also Captain Kester deserves all praise for his personal bravery.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding First New Jersey Cavalry.
Brigadier-General BAYARD,
Commanding Cavalry Brigade.
Numbers 51. Report of Colonel Owen Jones, First Pennsylvania Cavalry, of operations June 1-13.CAMP NEAR MOUNT JACKSON, June 13, 1862.
GENERAL: In pursuance of your order I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of this regiment (First Pennsylvania Cavalry) from June 1, when we first came in sight of the rear guard of the enemy to the present date:
On June 1, being with my regiment at Front Royal, I was ordered to proceed to Strasburg to intercept the train of General Jackson, at
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