Today in History:

48 Series I Volume XII-II Serial 16 - Second Manassas Part II

Page 48 OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV.

and General King, before he marched from Fredericksburg, rendered important service in organizing and dispatching the expeditions which on several occasions broke up the line of the Virginia Central Railroad. Generals Patrick, Doubleday, Gibbon, Hartsuff, Duryea, and Tower commanded their brigades in the various operations of this campaign with ability and zeal. The latter-named officer especially was particularly distinguished by the long marches which he made, by his incessant activity, and by the distinguished gallantry he displayed in the action of the 30th of August, in which action he was severely wounded at the head of his brigade. General Hatch, after being relieved from the command of the cavalry of Banks' corps, was assigned to the command of one infantry brigade in King's division, of McDowell's corps and during part of the operations was in command of that division and rendered good service. Generals Schenck and Milroy, of Sigel's corps, exhibited great gallantry and zeal throughout the operations. They were engaged actively in the battles of the 29th and 30th of August, and their commands were among the last to leave the field of battle on the night of the 30th, General Schenck being severely wounded on that day. I must also mention in high terms the conduct of Generals Schurz, Stahel, and Steinwehr during the action of the 29th and 30th. Generals Birney, Robinson, and Grover, of Heintzelman's corps, commanded their brigades during the action of the 29th and 30th, and Birney during the action of the 1st September, with zeal and gallantry, and Generals Birney and Grover were especially distinguished in the actions of the 29th and 30th of August, and Birney also in the engagement on the 1st of September. General Stevens, of Reno's corps, was zealous and active throughout the operations, and distinguished himself in the most auspicious manner during the battles of the 29th and 30th of August. He was killed at the head of his command in the battle near Chantilly on the 1st of September, and his death will be deeply felt by the army and the country. Lieutenant Colonel R. C. Buchanan, commanding a brigade of regulars of Porter's corps, was noticeable for distinguished service on the afternoon of the 30th of August.

Of the conduct of the officers commanding divisions and brigades of Porter's corps I know nothing, having received no report from that officer of the operations of his corps. Brigadier General John F. Reynolds, commanding the Pennsylvania Reserves, merits the highest commendation at my hands. Prompt, active, and energetic, he commanded his division with distinguished ability throughout the operations, and performed his duties in all situations with zeal and fidelity. Generals Seymour and Meade, of that division, in like manner performed their duties with ability and gallantry and in all fidelity to the Government and to the army.

General Sturgis arrived at Warrenton Junction on the 26th of August with Piatt's brigade, of his division, the only portion of that division which ever joined me. This brigade was temporarily attached to the army corps of Fitz John Porter, and, although misled in consequence of orders to follow Griffin's brigade, of Porter's corps, which, for some unexplained reason, strayed from its corps to Centreville on the 30th of August, was led forward from that place by Generals Sturgis and Piatt as soon as it was discovered that Griffin did not intend to go forward to the field of battle, and reported to me late in the afternoon of that day. Shortly afterward the brigade was thrown forward into action on our left. where they acquitted themselves with great courage. General Sturgis, as well as General Piatt, deserve especial mention for the soldierly feeling which induced them, after

Page 48 OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV.