76 Series I Volume XII-II Serial 16 - Second Manassas Part II
Page 76 | OPERATIONS IN N. VA., W. VA., AND MD. Chapter XXIV. |
move rapidly on Centreville by the road past these headquarters. Upon arriving at Centreville you will take the turnpike toward Warrenton, and push forward rapidly. You will find the whole corps of Heintzelman in front of you. Pass his stragglers, and keep well up with his command, pushing rapidly toward any heavy firing you may hear.
Major-General, Commanding.
Numbers 69. HEADQUARTERS ARMY OF VIRGINIA, Centreville, August 29, 1862.Generals McDOWELL and PORTER:
You will please move forward with your joint commands toward Gainesville. I sent General Porter written orders to that effect an hour and a half ago. Heintzelman, Sigel, and Reno are moving on the Warrenton turnpike, and must now be not far from Gainesville. I desire that as soon as communication is established between this force and your own the whole command shall halt. It may be necessary to fall back behind Bull Run at Centreville to-night. I presume it will be so, on account of our supplies. I have sent no orders of any description to Ricketts, and none to interfere in any way with the movements of McDowell's troops, except what I sent by his aide-de-camp last night, which were to hold his position on the Warrenton pike until the until the troops from here should fall on the enemy's flank and rear. I do not even know Rickett's position, as I have not been able to find out where General McDowell was until a late hour this morning. General McDowell will take immediate steps to communicate with General Ricketts, and instruct him to rejoin the other divisions of his corps as soon as practicable.
If any considerable advantages are to be gained by departing from this order it will not be strictly carried out. One thing must be had in view, that the troops must occupy a position from which they can reach Bull Run to-night or by morning. The indications are that the whole force of the enemy is moving in this direction at a pace that will bring them here by to-morrow night or the next day. My own headquarters will be for the present with Heintzelman's corps or at this place.
Major-General, Commanding.
Numbers 71* HEADQUARTERS IN THE FIELD, August 29, 1862-5 p. m.
Major-General BANKS:
GENERAL: I would prefer that you send your trains direct to Manassas Junction and Centreville. The road is clear and there is no difficulty about it. Send them through as soon as you can. Send back working parties to try and get the railroad in sufficiently good order, if the trains may be worked back to Bull Run. This is of the last importance, and you cannot get it done too soon. Work night and day at it.
Major-General, Commanding.
*Numbers 70, here omitted, is a duplicate of inclosure B to Pope's report of September 3. See p. 18.
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